大小写变形:Butler 词态变化 复数:butlers; 实用场景例句 全部 男管家 仆役长 Oh, men were so vile, and RhettButlerwas the worst of them all! 啊, 男人都坏透了, 瑞德-巴特勒更是他们中最下流的一个! 飘(部分) Butleris a talented player that any team would want. ...
美[ˈbʌtlər] 英[ˈbʌtlə(r)] n.男管家 网络巴特勒;勃特勒;巴特勒大学 复数:butlers 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 butler n. 1. 男管家the main male servant in a large house
9.I'll be his governess and you can be hisbutler. 我当他的家庭教师 你可以当他的管家 10.And thebutlerhere is giving me the creeps. 而且他这的管家让我浑身发毛 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词butler的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
英语单词butler(男管家)来自法语,前面的butl-其实就是bottle(瓶子),整个单词的字面意思就是“拿着酒瓶子负责斟酒的人”。butler其实就是贵族家中仆人的头领,在宴席上负责给主人和宾客们斟酒。 Butler(巴特勒)还是一个常见的姓氏,显然源自职业,祖上是给贵族...
-butler 1 . 巴特勒 the hostess gave butlerthe cold shoulder ., 女主人给了巴特勒一个冷脸. 2 . 勃特勒 英国凡采尼ex丰胸霜,凡采尼用法,英国凡采尼正品_凡采尼英国凡 ... Burns 彭斯; 伯恩斯; Butler 勃特勒; 巴特勒 Byron 拜伦. 3 . 仆役长
butler的读法为:美 [ˈbʌtlər] 英 [ˈbʌtlə(r)]释义:全部,男管家,巴特勒,勃特勒,巴特勒大学.例句:1.Butler strolled into his stuffy room and sat down in the big leather chair, disproportioned to everything else in the chamber.巴特勒跨进他...
butler 的汉语翻译是 “男管家”,“男仆”但实际上这个单词的意思不限于男性,也有女性担任这种任务,而女性 butler 其实也称 butler 。英语词典有这个解释 A butler is usually male, and in charge of male servants, while a housekeeper is usually a woman, and in charge of female servants....
Butler 2 [buht-ler ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Benjamin Franklin,1818–93, U.S. politician and a Union general in the Civil War. Joseph,1692–1752, English bishop, theologian, and author. Nicholas Murray,1862–1947, U.S. educator: president of Columbia University 1902–45; Nobel Peace...
Butler1 of 5 biographical name (1) But·lerˈbət-lər Benjamin Franklin 1818–1893 American general and politician Butler 2 of 5 biographical name (2) Joseph 1692–1752 English theologian Butler 3 of 5 biographical name (3) ...