14PButein inhibits solid tumors cell viability, colony, and tumor growth via STAT3 signaling pathway and enhance the anti-cancer effects of Frondoside-A and camptothecindoi:10.1093/annonc/mdz029.007Attoub, SSulaiman, SArafat, KOxford University PressAnnals of Oncology...
In addition, the food composition for preventing or alleviating dental pulp diseases can be a dietary supplement. The butein shows remarkable cytoprotective effects in dental pulp cells and excellent inhibition of reactive oxygen species, and thus can be useful in a pharmaceutical composition or a ...
In addition, the food composition for preventing or alleviating dental pulp diseases can be a dietary supplement. The butein shows remarkable cytoprotective effects in dental pulp cells and excellent inhibition of reactive oxygen species, and thus can be useful in a pharmaceutical composition or a ...