Simple: easy to learn, easy to develop, easy to integrate and easy to deploy Performance: high performance (>= grpc-go) Cross-platform: supportraw slice of bytes,JSON,ProtobufandMessagePack. Theoretically it can be used with java, php, python, c/c++, node.js, c# and other platforms ...
grpc_pass grpc://localhost:8080; grpc_set_header Host $host; } } } @surangar I am not sure how to configure ALB correctly, but ZITADEL awaits h2c as connection. The error you describe in this case be "The request protocol is an HTTP/1.1, while the target group protocol version is ...
JavascriptiOS (Swift)Android (Kotlin)Angular Copied to clipboard const login = async () => { await auth0.loginWithRedirect({ redirect_uri: window.location.origin }); }; Your App Implement Auth0 in any application in just five minutes With a few lines of code you can have Auth0 integrate...
ready to start testing with real users. Unfortunately, finishing the last 20% was difficult. We’ve learned the hard way that in terms of the volume of work, getting the product to work “for real” and validating that it delivers on the expected promise is usually the most time-consuming...
Description We've currently a strange issue where one of our (automatically provisioned) swarm manager nodes is not bound to the (IPv4) address+port provided via --advertise-addr but to all IPv6-addresses instead: [root@BK-703a95a7c6ff69...
Hi Team, I've the job which is reading some data from sql db and adding that in console. Seems like heartbeat is fine and jobs are enqueued but the processing part is not working. Have attached screen shots of server and jobs. Would you ...
In TLS mutual authentication, I am aware that ClientAuth has three modes: None - Server does not request for any client certificate Optional - Server requests for a client certificate but whether it is valid or not server will allow it p...
startupProbe/readinessProbe/livenessProbe failed, because qosAcceptForeignIp is set to false in startQosServer finally in some case. private void startQosServer(URL url) { try { if (!hasStarted.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return;
I've found a way to limit backlog to 10 items. If there are more, all our requests will be waiting with Task.Delay before using Redis client. After a few minutes I see 0 CPU load, no tasks, no work done. It just hangs waiting for backlog to empty but it's not happening. It ...
hosted on Triton Server. The inference is consistently failing with " InferenceServerException: PyTorch execute failure: Expected Tensor but got Tuple " error. I do not see anyway to define data type as Tensor (dtype: INT64) in config.pbtxt & defining it as TYPE_INT64 results in mentioned ...