The ending lyrics, “get hurt, people that I let in. I want to be something you still miss. I kind of wish that I was better than this,” keep the theme of darkness going throughout the track. Overall, Sleep On It have definitely made a name for themselves with their debut. Their...
5. I'm usually a confident person. I can stand up and talk in front of the class about things I know well. But when it's time to do an English speech, my knees start to knock. It's as if my confidence just takes a sudden vacation. Like that time I had to talk about my favo...
Douglas kept telling Peggy,“You planned this, didn’t you?”But she hadn’t. He even kept missing the ferry back, as if something greater was keeping him there. Shortly after, he was invited to a Baptist church in Chemainus, where a missionary was speaking. Something about the man’s ...
After I recorded that video in December, we kept in touch, and Zach eventually told me he wanted to put "Purple Gas" on his next album, and asked if we could record it as a duet. I didn't know it was going to be a single until he called me and asked about releasing it a few...
i dont like it at all i dont like the way y i dont like these cus i dont love the ocean i dont love you i dont love you enoug i dont make them a lo i dont need you baby i dont see why they k i dont shine if you d i dont think hes the i dont think that i c i dont...
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { char *msg = NULL; setenv("msg", "Hello world!", 1); msg = getenv("msg"); if (msg) printf("%s\n", msg); return 0; } Ok. Author sameersharma2006 commented Apr 23, 2024 @hipersayanX I packaged the simple program...
i dont wanna use you i dont drink i dont belong to here i dont care cause im i dont care if it hur i dont care what is w i dont care who you a i dont eat pork i dont even like you i dont give a reason i dont have a problem i dont have the nerve i dont know anybody ...
And tonight we jumped rope, and if you are a mom or a woman of a certain age you know what that means ;). But I loved it the whole time (okay maybe not the 7 jump rope songs). It was exactly what I needed. I went to class exhausted, overwhelmed, done. I drove home equally...
With lines like “If I was as half as good as I was / I'm still twice as good as you'll ever be” and “Please dawg, I need y'all to keep talking shit 'cause I feed off of it / I am the complete opposite of these retards who spit these weak / bars, I'ma leave carnage...
2020 has been a scary year, but Halloween is not cancelled yet. If all else fails, we will be “yeeting treats” to our neighbors on Halloween night. My favorite way to get in aHalloweenmood is through music. I was small, like really small and I totally fell in love with Michael Ja...