"226 transfer done (but failed to open directory)" 这条信息通常出现在使用FTP(文件传输协议)客户端进行文件传输时。这里的 226 是FTP协议中的一个响应代码,表示文件传输已经完成。然而,紧随其后的 (but failed to open directory) 则指出了在文件传输之后尝试执行某些目录操作(如切换目录)时发生了失败。这并...
在centOS上搭建ftp,使用ftp localhost测试匿名登录,查看匿名目录文件夹的时候, 发现匿名登录成功,但是查看目录却失败,报了这个错误:226 transfer done but failed to open directory 目录 1、将SELINUX的值设置为disable 2、重启服务器 3、运行结果 1、将SELINUX的值设置为disable vim /etc/selinux/config 2、重启...
在centOS上搭建ftp,使用ftp localhost测试匿名登录,查看匿名目录文件夹的时候, 发现匿名登录成功,但是查看目录却失败,报了这个错误:226 transfer done but failed to open directory 目录 1、将SELINUX的值设置为disable 2、重启服务器 3、运行结果 1、将SELINUX的值设...
在终端使用ftp命令登陆ftp服务器后,使用dir或者ls查看目录下文件,出现226 transfer done (but failed to open directory)。解决方法:编辑sudo vim /etc/selinux/config 文件,设置 "SELINUX=disabled", 保存退出,重启reboot.重启ftp服务。ok
在终端使用ftp命令登陆ftp服务器后, 使用dir或者ls查看目录下文件, 出现226 transfer done (but failed to open directory)。 解决方法: 编辑sudo vim /etc/selinux/config 文件, 设置"SELINUX=disabled", 保存退出, 重启reboot. 重启ftp服务。 ok
用flashfxp打不开目录transferdone(butfailedtoopendirectory)《豆丁用 查看:177|回复:11 [已解决] 用flashfxp打不开目录transferdone(butfailedtoopendirectory) [复制链接] yahooren1 yahooren1 当前离线 阅读权限50精华0最后登录2012-1-3积分1523帖子1425威望0金币255个体力1392激情 540注册时间2010-9-22 King ...
The explorer will crash each time you open a folder, while trying to display the customized top bars for menu/button (only the two directory and content views are working, not the main part; this means that file opening dialogs, or the display of icons on the desktop are workin...
The explorer will crash each time you open a folder, while trying to display the customized top bars for menu/button (only the two directory and content views are working, not the main part; this means that file opening dialogs, or the display of icons on the desktop are workin...
Open etdaptopened this issueMar 23, 2024· 12 comments Comments v3ucnmentioned this issueMar 23, 2024 修改Faster-Whisper模型默认下载C盘目录的问题#861 Closed KevinZhang19870314 Apr 24, 2024 • edited I have been trying to trace through faster_whisper, I think it's faster_whisper's problem....
System.ArgumentException: 'AddDbContext was called with configuration, but the context type 'AttendanceDbContext' only declares a parameterless constructor. This means that the configuration passed to AddDbContext will never be used. If configuration is passed to AddDbContext, then 'AttendanceDb...