三个时代 Three Ages(1923):很明显仿的是《党同伐异》。狗拉雪橇对上战车,给狮子修指甲等海挺有...
1920年,基顿拍摄了第一部长片The Saphead。公司买下了查理·卓别林在为Mutual拍片时候的lone star片场,一口气拍摄了19部短片。虽说是短片,Buster Keaton Comedies的阵容其实相当强大,投资人方面有后来UA的老板Joseph Schenck作主席,他弟弟,Loew影院副总Nicholas Schenck作副主席,Loew影院的出纳David Bernstein作出纳,此外还有...
Buster keaton电影札记——不止喜剧 时至今日,巴斯顿基顿在他的电影里表现出来的多元性和独特性很大程度上已经超越狭隘的喜剧范畴而成为一种更本质和广泛意义上的电影创作者的启示.当今天我们回顾过去,希望找到喜剧的活力与生机,一遍遍追问“电影是什么”这个古老的问题时,在由无数精巧噱头和古怪冷面的表演所构成的基...
网络巴斯特·基顿之三个时代 网络释义 1. 巴斯特·基顿之三个时代 ... 98108巴斯特·基顿之三个时代(Buster Keaton In Three Ages) 98109 巴斯特·基顿之西行( Buster Keaton In Go West) ... www.docstoc.com|基于2个网页
豆瓣影人:巴斯特·基顿 Buster Keaton 豆瓣标签:美国电影巴斯特·基顿默片 动作 喜剧 爱情 剧情 相关纪录片:巴斯特·基顿传 Buster Keaton: A Hard Act to Follow (1987) 【电影年表(时间排序)1917-1928完整版】 冷面煞星 注:标有 • 表示有片源的,共计48个。
#工友文化宫# 美国成龙—— Buster Keaton, America, Three Ages, 1923 http://t.cn/A6tFlswL
Keaton began playing in movie shorts with the well-known comic R. (Fatty) Arbuckle. In the 1920’s, Keaton’s film comediesThe Three Ages, Our Hospitality(both 1923),Sherlock Junior, The Navigator (both1924), andThe General(1926) became world famous. Keaton played the leads in these films...
In 1923 Keaton started making full-length features such as The Three Ages (1923) and Sherlock, Jr. (1924). The lineup also included what is perhaps his finest creation, The General (1927), which starred Keaton as a train engineer in the Civil War. Keaton was the full force behind the...
(silent features directed by Keaton, with Keaton as leading actor) 1923 The Three Ages (co-d with Cline) (as the boy); Our Hospitality (co-d with Blystone) (as Willie McKay) 1924 Sherlock, Jr. (as the theater projectionist/title role); The Navigator (co-d with Crisp) (as ...
【作品】年表,巴斯特..【作品】年表,巴斯特·基顿早期作品集(Buster Keaton Early Film 1917-1928)Vini_Kazma | 2012-04-10 01:06:31编辑:Vini_Kazma前言