The main essentials of the game "Bussiness Board World Class" is learning the business and trade, the sale of the property. With players playing board games, earn money and become the richest person.Bussiness Board World Class Business Board is a dice game for free. It is a board game ...
the close of a sale in excha nge for a reduc ed loan rate EXAMP LE:The buyer sugge sted a five perce nt buydo wn in excha nge for a two perce nt reduc tion on the mortg age. ...
ESP:EnglishforspecialpurposeEGP:EnglishforgeneralpurposeLeaner:dualbackgroundTeachingmethod:bilingualteaching •e.g.Thepartiesshall,inmakingacontract,• taketheformofofferandacceptance.当事人订立合同采取要约、承诺方式。•e.g.Thetransfereewithbadfaithshouldreturn• totheownernotonlytheoriginalpropertybut...