However, if you get in touch, our specialist advisers can help you navigate the legislation and come up with an apprenticeship solution that works for your business. Apprenticeships we offer APAR approved Human Resource and Learning & Development apprenticeships for levy-paying organisations. Accoun...
James Ramsbotham spent a day surrounded by cutting-edge technology, state of the art robots and a host of the region's brightest brains to learn what it takes to become an apprentice robotic engineer.He took up the challenge to highlight the wealth of interesting apprenticeships on offer ...
For businesses,apprenticeshipsoffer the opportunity to ‘grow your own’, instilling a strong ethos centred around your company and essentially moulding a worker from the very beginning. According toGovernment statistics, 86 per cent of employers sayapprenticeshipshave helped them develop skills relevant...
If these candidates are representative of the level of the capabilities that are coming out of the schools in Scotland I think we are in an extremely good place as a nation and a tech nation for the future.” John Gilhooly CEO, Evo Software Solutions “Apprenticeships are a good ...
“Apprenticeships also bring opportunity; to attract new talent, offer progression and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. There has never been a better time to employ an apprentice.” The following four programmes, tailored by Firebrand to provide the cloud sk...
Many digital natives have found frequent expansion and reorganization have led to high tech talent turnover rates and expensive recruitment costs, threatening their continued growth. As the talent gap grows, digitalists will be better served by strategic acquisitions that offer access to new mark...
The CoE is looking at apprenticeships as an alternative to formal learning. While there will always be a place for formal learning, Christensen said, she's become convinced that its methods and conventions simply can't keep pace. The world's rapid rate of change makes it critical to help e...
OVO Energy calls on government and employers to develop and fund apprenticeships that would help the UK meet its climate goals. A-level students overwhelmingly want jobs that can help the UK reach its climate goals, but financial barriers prevent many school leavers from applying to university degr...
This week I have written to hundreds of local businesses setting out Government support for apprenticeships, training and qualifications to help create jobs and recover from the pandemic.
IBM's new z14 is the world's first system to offer pervasive encryption of data without requiring changes to applications, and with no performance degradation. With IBM's systems, clients can build an IT infrastructure that is optimized for the scalability, reliability and growth that businesses...