1学校简介1.1商学院历史文化纽约大学斯特恩商学院,即New York University:Leonard N. Stern School of Business (简称NYU Stern),始建于1900年,是美国最古老的商学院之一。学院成立时,名为“商务、金融与会计学院”,仅提供本科教育。1916...
Business Schools in New York 作者:Source Wikipedia 页数:26 ISBN:9781233146369 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
纽约大学商学院(Leonard N. Stern School of Business)是纽约大学中最著名的一所学院,在经济、商业和管理等领域有着非常突出的学术成就。商学院在上百年的历史中也积累了显著的声望。 纽约大学商学院毗邻金融中心华尔街,同数百家世界级的金融研究机构及金融企业有关广泛的联系,使得纽约大学商学院不仅在学术理论领域,而...
has more than 270 degree-granting universities and colleges and is the only American state that has multiple Ivy League schools in Cornell University andColumbia University, the latter of which is located in New York City. Another notable university in New York City is theNew York University. ...
#12 The Leonard N. Stern School of Business atNew York University(Stern) #14 The Darden School of Business at the University ofVirginia(Darden) #15 The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management atCornellUniversity (Johnson) #16 The Tepper School of Business atCarnegie MellonUniversity ...
New York, NY, 10012-1126 Work at this school? Claim it here New York University (Stern) 2024 Rankings New York University (Stern) is ranked No. 7 (tie) out of 124 in Best Business Schools and No. 4 out of 269 in Part-time MBA. Schools were assessed on their performance across a ...
No.10 纽约大学 斯特恩商学院 New York University (Stern) Stern 的强项: finance,International business,information systems, marketing 等等 教学方式:课堂讲授 60%,案例教学 40%,全年开设选修课有 135 门。 毕业生绝大多数都进入金融界工作。 其最大的优势是:在金融方面的课程繁多且和现实结合紧密,学生可以聆...
New York University (NYU) New York University’s Stern School of Business is one of the oldest and most prestigious business schools in the US. Founded in 1900 as the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, it changed its name in honour of alumnus and benefactor Leonard N. ...
University of Denver Connecticut Albertus Magnus College Eastern Connecticut State University Fairfield University Quinnipiac University Sacred Heart University Southern Connecticut State University University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of New Haven ...
Why You Should Volunteer in Med School Volunteering offers personal and professional benefits for aspiring doctors. Anna FiorinoDec. 20, 2024 Top Biomedical Engineering Schools This field lets students combine a love for engineering with a desire to solve health problems. ...