Getting a business loan can be important for running and building your company, whether you’re expanding to a new location, preparing for a busy season, or dealing with an emergency repair. However, requirements, rates, and repayment terms can vary depending on the type of loan. If you wan...
Financing requirements Related to eligibility, you will need to meet certain criteria for certain lenders and organizations, particularly the SBA, if you want to be considered for a loan. For example, your business must make over $180,000 in annual revenue to apply successfully for an SBA loan...
Look for a 0% introductory rate for a flexible, low-cost short-term loan. Personal credit is a major approval factor, but most issuers don’t have industry restrictions or time in business requirements, making it easier to qualify for a business credit card than a term loan or line of ...
You can secure a term loan with both good and bad credit. Your personal credit history is one of the factors that determines your interest rate. The higher your credit score, the better the annual percentage rate (APR) you'll receive. As far as credit score requirements, we recommend borro...
Business vehicle loan Best for securing the ideal vehicle for your business needs. Connect with a banker. Make anappointment Is your business proudly diverse-owned? Our Business Diversity Lending Program provides funding to diverse businesses with modified credit requirements for potentially easier approva...
Repayment terms:Short-term (three to 24 months); mid-term (up to five years); long-term (up to 10 years) Loan amounts:$5,000 to $1 million+ Interest rates:6% to 36% Time to fund:24 hours to a few months Qualification requirements:Requirements vary by lender, but many financial ins...
American Express® Business Line of Credit offers two loan types, installment loans and single repayment loans for eligible borrowers. All loan term types, loan term lengths, and pricing are subject to eligibility requirements, application, and final approval. This page contains general information ...
Personal Business Loan Basic requirements: 1.Targets: The borrower shall bethePRC citizen aged 18 or above with full capacity of civil conduct. In addition, the sum of his/her age and the loan tenure shall not exceed 60. 2.Loan Limit:Minimumloan limitshall be RMB100,000while the maximum ...
from lines of credit and term loans to SBA loans and more. This loan amount typically requires at least a couple of years in business and six figures in annual business revenue, though requirements differ between lenders. Compare providers to make sure you’re getting the most competitive rates...
In addition to the general SBA and lender loan requirements, which are relatively standard across loan types, there are also more specific requirements. 7(a) Loans You require a suitable business credit score of around 160 For SBA CAPLines of credit (a 7(a) loan used for short-term working...