Unit1BusinessWritingStyle (商务写作风格)FiveC’sPrinciples(5C原则)Businesspeoplecan’taffordpayingapersonalvisiteachtimetheywanttotransactbusinessinvariouspartsoftheworld,instead,theymakephonecalls,writeletters,sendfaxes,ore-mails.Writingisimportantforunderstandingandformalconfirmationandasasourceforlater...
1.Business Writing style BusinessEnglishWriting ShanYuanyuanSchoolofEconomics,WHUTsyy423@gmail.com Chapter1BusinessWritingStyle 商务写作风格 Question:CanyoutellthedifferencebetweenBusinessWritingandOrdinaryWriting?WhyBusinessWriting?Theabilitytowriteeffectivelyisavaluablebusinessasset.1)agreatdealofbusinessistransacted...
BusinessEnglishWriting Chapter1BusinessWriting Style Question: Canyoutellthedifferencebetween BusinessWritingandOrdinary Writing? SixC’sPrinciples(6C原则) Businesspeoplecan’taffordpayingapersonal visiteachtimetheywanttotransactbusinessin variouspartsoftheworld,instead,theymake ...
Mack’s distinctive elevator-pitch talking style stemmed from the financial difficulties he faced at the start of his career. At that time, Mack invested his entire life savings in a single ad that aired on two stations. While watching the ad himself, he grew unhappy with the producers’ wor...
Achieving the desired effects is a matter of writing skill and of under-standing how people respond to words. It involves keeping certain attitudes in mind and using certain writing techniques to work them into your letters. 1. Conversational Style A letter—a good letter—reflects the ...
messages, and letters, a style between these two extremes is appropriate. Always remember, writing that is too formal can alienate readers, and an overly obvious attempt to be causal and informal may strike the reader as insincere or unprofessional. In business writing, as in all writing, ...
Nowadays, block style is more popular especially in business world. For indented style, you should indented 4 letters at the beginning of each paragraph, and you need not leave space between paragraphs. While for the block style, you need to leave space between paragraphs, but you need not ...
However, I recommend going the extra mile and editing the copy to fit your brand’s tone and style. 5. Marketing Project Proposal Source Marketing is a fast-paced industry, and many marketers don’t want to waste time rifling through multiple pages of proposals. This one-page marketing ...
Remember to use consistently styled icons in the official letterhead. Decide what style of icons fit your brand guidelines, and use those whenever you’re decorating a letter.For example, this business letterhead template uses line art icons to for a friendly conference follow-up letter:...
misunderstood.Clarityshouldbetheultimategoalofyourbusinesswritingstyle.One waytoachieveaclearstyle,especiallyduringrevision,istoeliminateoveruseofthe passivevoice, which plagues most poor business writing. Although the passive voice is sometimes necessary, often it not only makes your writing dull but also...