1 MARKETING THOUGHTS ….. 2 WHAT IS MARKETING? 3 MARKETING: Definition: (Adapted from Kotler 2000) Marketing: An Introduction Pricing Products: Pricing Considerations and Strategies Chapter Ten Lecture Slides –Express Version Course Professor Date. © 2013 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning...
Introduction to Business课件.ppt,Introduction to Business Combinations and the Conceptual Framework Learning Objectives Describe historical trends in types of business combinations. Identify the major reasons firms combine. Identify the factors that mana
商务英语阅读 1UNIT 1 Introduction to BusinessExplore the types of business.12345Understand motives and functions of a business
大学商务英语教学(北大清华)unit 1 introduction to business.ppt,International Business School BFSU * Course objectives and course book Active participation in class a. Course book: selected texts and supplementary passages to analyze in class Vocabulary,
Introduction 3Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies 0450 Syllabus for examination in 2016 Not for profit part of the University of Cambridge We are a not for profit organisation where the needs of the teachers and learners are at the core of what we do We continually invest in educational research ...
Income Statement (“P&L”) Cash Flow Statement Balance Sheet An Introduction to Financial Statements. Finance and Accounts A2 Business Studies. Revenue Total Revenue = Price x Quantity Sold This figure is needed for –BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS –PROFIT AND LOSS. ...
Understandingbusiness商务导论 教学课件.ppt,2014-2015-Term 1 Section 1:Prologue (序言) 1.New term new start my wish 2.Self introduction 3.Get to know the students 4.Ground rules and special requirements for students Section 2: About the course (课程) 1.A
Business English introductionPPT教学课件 BusinessEnglish:Viewing,listeningandspeaking 2020/12/10 1 Englishasabusinesslinguafranca •Alinguafrancaisalanguagesystematicallyusedtomakecommunicationpossiblebetweenpeoplenotsharingafirstlanguage,inparticularwhenitisathirdlanguage,distinctfrombothspeakers'firstlanguages.2020/12/...
EnglishforBusinessStudies Introduction Unit1Thebusinessofbusiness •Topicstypesofbusinessthehistoryofbusiness •VocabularyfocuswordsfromgeneralEnglishwithaspecialmeaning inbusinessprefixesandsuffixes •Skillsfocus •Listeningpreparingforalecturepredictinglecturecontentfromtheintroductionunderstandinglectureorganization...
Introduction of Business English 关于商务英语.ppt,3. The development of E-business had close links to the development of the Internet [as suppliers and customers realized the cost and time benefits(of online transactions)]. It became more efficient to d