Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies Revision Guide Regulating and Controlling Business Activity: xii. Reasons for regulations; 40. The impact of business decision; xiii. Influences on business activity; 41. Influences on business activity; Answers to Questions; Index.Medi Houghton... M Houghton 被引量...
Written to cover the IGCSE syllabus, Business Studies: IGCSE is divided into five sections, which are in turn divided into units that provide convenient and flexible areas of learning. Each unit has a brief introduction followed by a business-in-context section and questions designed to help ...
本周新书一 IGCSE Business Studies Revision Notes (IGCSE商务复习讲义) 本周新书二 IGCSE Business Studies Exam Preparation (IGCSE商务核心考点)发布于 2019-11-22 09:20 内容所属专栏 名师课堂 国际学校资深老师带你提分 订阅专栏 alevel GCE Advanced Level 留学考试...
《Business Studies:IGCSE (Cambridge International Examinations)》作者:Cambridge University Press,出版社:2002年6月,ISBN:。
IGCSE business studies 词汇表+IGCSE Economics词汇表 收藏 回复 国际学校择校 初步了解 1 每份大概30页左右,很实用。左边是词汇,右边是Definition。需要的同学跟我要啊。 QQ 1986799173 国际学校择校 初步了解 1 不只是对IGCSE的学生有用,凡是刚入读国际课程的,IB学生也很有用的。 橙色天空下的你 努力大考...
剑桥IGCSE商科考试学生用书 英文原版 Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies Student’s Book 出国留学备考用书 英文版进口英语书籍点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥319.00 降价通知 暂无评分 2人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 Andrew Dean 查看作品 出版 Collins,2018年01月 查看作品 分类 图书>英文原版书>经管类 Business>...
Grade 9 Business Studies 九年级商业研究 Students in Grade 9 have been exploring the marketing segment of the IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Their journey began with conducting market-oriented research on a product they created. Each student was required to design a survey and collect 20 response...
根据剑桥官方2023~2025最新考纲公布,IGCSE商业研究(Business Studies)一共包括六大板块的内容。每个板块中涵盖几个小的模块,包含很多细节的知识点。下面我们重点了解一下会考察哪些细节内容,方便同学们在备考时着重关注某些知识点。 根据剑桥官方2023~2025最新考纲公布,IGCSE商业研究(Business Studies)一共包括六大板块的内容...
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended 3ed出国留学考试教材 2 星级: 256 页 Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies 4th edition出国留学考试教材 2 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: Definitions to le arn P ri ce elast ic tt y is ameasureofthe responsiveness of demand to a c hange in price. Tips for...