which requires multiple types of bioinformatic tools in order to correctly analyze the sequence reads, and to visualize and interpret the output data. This post represents a curation by theRNA-Seq blogof such tools useful for RNASeq studies and lists and reviews published literature using these cu...
And during my medical studies I studied biochemistry. That was one of the subjects that every medical student studies, so I liked it very much. I liked, you know, the whole concept of biochemistry, of looking for chemical processes in cells, so we had, we could take off one year from ...
In transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate (TRAMP) models, in vivo studies using HP [1-13C] pyruvate demonstrated that hyperpolarized pyruvate and its metabolic products can be used non-invasively and with high specificity to obtain a profile of the histologic grade of prostate cancers [34]....