(3)State/Province:填写公司所在的省份 (4)City:填写公司所在的城市 (5)填写ZipCode/PostalCode:公司对应城市的邮编 (6)Businessphonenumber:请填写真实有效的电话号码,以便及时与招商经理及合规部门进行沟通。 3.填写顾客服务信息 您需要在此填写Customerservicephonenumber(客户服务的电话号码)以及Customerserviceemailadd...
This is how your business is recognized by the government when it comes to paying taxes on both the state and federal levels. Furthermore, you’ll need a tax ID number to hire employees, open a bank account and apply for relevant business licenses and permits. Check your local government ...
SetStateEvent: True PATCH /businessunits(businessunitid)Update the statecode and statuscode properties. SetStateRequest UpdateEvent: True PATCH /businessunits(businessunitid)See Update Update records UpsertEvent: False PATCH /businessunits(businessunitid)See Upsert a table row UpsertRequestProperties...
PhoneCallIdType PhoneCallInformationType PhoneCallStateType PhoneEntityType PhoneNumberAttributedValueType PhoneNumberDictionaryEntryType PhoneNumberKeyType PhoneType PhysicalAddressDictionaryEntryType PhysicalAddressIndexType PhysicalAddressKeyType PinInfoType PlayOnPhoneCompletedEventArgs PlayOnPhoneCompletedEventHandler ...
组合状态(composite state) 业务状态机中一个或多个状态的聚集,用于将复杂的状态机图分解成简单的状态机层次结构。 组合单元(composition unit) 表示已配置资产的单元,它允许资产内容与应用程序中的其他资产交互。 复合元素(compound element) 包含子项的源或目标文档中的项,例如 EDI 段和 EDI 组合数据元素、面向记...
New-CsClientPolicy [-Tenant <Guid>] [-PolicyEntry <>] [-Description <String>] [-AddressBookAvailability <AddressBookAvailability>] [-AttendantSafeTransfer <Boolean>] [-AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval <TimeSpan>] [-BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts <Boolean>] [-CalendarStatePublicationInterval <UInt32>]...
Set-CsClientPolicy [-Tenant <Guid>] [-PolicyEntry <PSListModifier>] [-Description <String>] [-AddressBookAvailability <AddressBookAvailability>] [-AttendantSafeTransfer <Boolean>] [-AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval <TimeSpan>] [-BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts <Boolean>] [-CalendarStatePublicationInterval...
When you remove a Collection, all apps associated with that Collection are removed and all settings are returned to their default state on all devices assigned directly or enrolled by assigned users or members of user groups. In Apple Business Essentials, sign in with a user that has the role...
From choosing the right business structure to filing with state and local agencies, learn how to register a business with this easy-to-follow guide.
Business Registration Number (AU) Australian Business Registration Number or ABRN is the old state based registration number, no longer used. Andorra Fiscal Code (AD) A unique identification number assigned by the Tax Administration in Andorra. Angola Business Registration Number (AO) A unique identi...