ESL Podcast 118 - Small Talk at a Business Lunch Audio Index:Slow dialog: 1:04 Explanations: 2:44 Fast dialog: 11:48 James: Hello, are you Muriel Douglas?Muriel: Yes, and you must be James. It's nice to meet you at long last.James: Yes, you too. Thanks for agreeing to meet ...
019: 不要让财务报告吓倒你:ESL学习者必备词汇Part 1 34 2023-05 2 018: 掌握商务英语中的 Small Talk:非英语母语者的实用指南 Part 2 51 2023-05 3 000: 介绍 57 2023-03 4 001: 范式转移, 战略, 价值主张 60 2023-03 5 002: 创新, 思想领袖, 最佳化 ...
When you talk with a co-worker, most of it is small talk. You can talk about your background, what school you attended, your major, and your previous work experience. So studying the English lessons along side the business section will help you for your daily English needs. However, I'...
Small Talk的益处 常见的Small Talk话题 如何提高你的Small Talk技巧 打破僵局和开始对话 应对非母语者的挑战 以下是一些最后的话 掌握商务英语中的Small Talk对于非英语为母语的人士在国际商务环境中蓬勃发展是最重要的主题之一。 这也是最难掌握的事情之一,所以你必须不断练习。通过遵循本文中概述的提示和策略,你将...
外教英语课程ESL · 目录 上一篇〖每日英语〗第117期 Los Angeles下一篇〖每日英语〗第119期 Bad Pickup Lines 阅读原文喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 “上班” 是“go to work”,“下班” 用英语怎么说? 精听 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不...
When you reply all, it goes out to everyone on the To line and the CC line. Reply only goes to the sender. When we send out a mail to many people, you might see a sentence that says 'little 'r' me'. This means to use the small R instead of the Big R. That basically means...
While full ESL (English as a Second Language) accreditation is recommended, as long as you’re a native speaker, there are people in countries such as Hong Kong or the UAE who are willing to pay upwards of $25/hr for you to teach them English via Skype. Indeed, Learn4Good and Remote...
Class sizes for teaching business English students are generally smaller than young learner classes. 1-on-1 classes are quite common as are small groups of up to 6 students. This allows much higher student talk time and for the teacher to really get to know the students’ learning styles. ...
Howie Mandel is an actor and game-show host who is famous for being a germaphobe, someone who has an irrational (not logical; not based on fact or reality) fear of germs (very small things that cause disease).* A phobia is a … Continue reading → Posted in Business | 14 Comments No...