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HEC offers a wide range of business courses and was ranked the best in the world in the QS Business Masters Ranking in 2020. The school is led by recognized professors and continues to attract highly talented, innovative and ambitious individuals every year. Students are encouraged to develop bo...
BEST MASTER RANKING HIGHER EDUCATION - Graduate: 3 years at the university - Degree: 2 years at the university after the Graduate - DEA: 2 years at the University of Kinshasa and Lubumbashi - PhD Thesis Doctoral Diplôme d'Etat (State Diploma): the equivalent of the baccalaureate. It is ...
伦敦商学院(London Business School)的管理学项目在QS排名以及Financial Times Management Ranking中,均是全英第一,在全球稳坐前十,可谓实力强劲。 我们邀请到了毕业于伦敦商学院管理项目的水怪学姐,来为小伙伴们讲述历史系本科生是如何跨专业进入LBS、毕业后成功留在伦敦工作三年、并且最终选择回到上海开启人生阶段新篇章...
including the business school’s dean. The CoB holds prestigious AACSB accreditation and is featured on Princeton Review’s Best Colleges ranking. Unleash your potential through a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Business Administration and Law, Computer Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Ho...
It’s what makes Hult the business school for those made to do. We learn through challenge We learn to do and do to learn, individually and in teams. Our students continually practice what they’ll be doing in the workplace so they build a skillset that enables them to take on any ...
贝叶斯商学院 (Bayes Business School)成立于1966年,隶属于伦敦大学城市学院(City, University of London)。城市学院始建于1894年,是一所综合性大学。 2001年在获得约翰·卡斯爵士基金会(The Sir John Cass Foundation)的资助后,伦敦大学城市学院将商学院名称由城市大学商学院(City University Business School)更名为...
ESCP Business School - Paris ESCP Paris Campus - République, Paris France Get more detailsShortlist #21-50QS WUR Ranking By Subject 1Undergraduate programs 41Postgraduate programs 22,000 EURTuition Fee/year In life as in business, everything starts with choices. And it is by making choices ...