MAIN BUSINESS CLAUSES UNIT 9 Payment TermsPayment plays an important role in the course of business. The final result of all business activities should recover the value of goods supplied or services rendered. If payment is not ensured everything will be meaningless.Payment...
As total consideration for the purchase and sale of the Business (including its tangible and intangible assets as described above), and Buyer's assumption of the assumed obligations and all other liabilities provided for in this Agreement, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller the sum o...
Purchase Agreement, in either case on the Delivery Date for such Aircraft upon the repayment of the related Loan pursuant to Clause 7.1, and agreements ancillary thereto (the "Sale Arrangements"), or (iii) liabilities incidental to its administration and/or continued limited liability company ...
In general, it is the seller, the offeror, who offers the sale of certain commodities to the buyer, the offeree.There are two kinds of offer: offer with engagement and offer without engagement.Offer with engagement is the kind of offer, in which the offeror's intention of making a ...
placedafirmorderorafirmbidwithsellers,andtheseller’sacceptanceconcludethedeal.Contract 1.Containalltheparticularsagreeduponduringthecourseofnegotiation.合同必须包含经双方洽谈同意的所有有关条款 2.Contractalsoincludesuchconventionalclausesasinspectionandclaim,arbitrationandforcemajeure,etc.合同还要包括向检验、索赔、...
Pay the Purchase Price to Seller on the Closing Date. Be responsible for any and all taxes which may apply to the Buyer’s acquisition of the Assets and the Business. Any and all terms and warranties included in this sale of business Agreement will survive the closing of this sale. ...
Prices and Terms of Payment(a) In consideration of the sale of Products and/or the performance of Services by Signify, Customer shall pay all prices and fees (“Prices”) in accordance with the Agreement and this section 2. Prices are in euro and unless agreed otherwise based on Ex Works...
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 11.2.4 Counter offer and Acceptance A reply to an offer that purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter offer. When the ...
Since this work is typically outsourced rather than completed in-house, it is not uncommon for consulting agreements to include confidentiality clauses, too. 3. Distribution agreements Also known as distributor agreements, a distribution agreement is a contract between a supplier with a product to se...
Enforceability of noncompete clauses A noncompete is great for your business. It helps ensure that an employee will not take the knowledge and contacts they gained while working for you and use them to benefit a competitor, or to set up their own business that can compete against yours. ...