In a manner similar to the concept of scientific management presented by Frederick Winslow Taylor during the mid-19th century, which brought a revolution in management thinking, the concept of business process reengineering (BPR), conceived by Michael Hammer and others during the 1990s became an ...
企业流程再造方法论 星级: 104 页 企业流程再造---方法论Business Process Reengineering 星级: 34 页 企业流程再造---方法论Business Process Reengineering 星级: 34 页 企业流程再造方法论 星级: 122 页 企业流程再造方法论 星级: 104 页 企业流程再造方法论 星级: 1页 ...
Business-Process-Reengineering英文版教学课件.ppt,Business Process Reengineering (企业流程再造) Contents Preface Part 1. what is the New Thinking? Part 2. why the New Thinking? Part 3. Understanding Processes Part 4. Putting the China Back together Pref
(BPR) 二、企业流程重组的类型 三、企业流程重组的原则方法 第4节 常用开发方法 一、结构化系统开发方法 二、原型法 第三节 企业流程重组 (Business Process Reengineering) 一、企业流程重组的概念(BPR) 1990年,美国MIT的Hammer教授首先提出,核心思想是:打破传统的劳动分工理论体系,强调以“流程导向”替代原有的...
Gestão de Qualidade Total###Base de dadosBusiness Process Reengineering (BPR), alternatively called reengineering, redesign, or process innovation, came into being in the 1990s. It proposes radical approaches to redefining work as...P. M. SwamidassSpringer US...
Business_Process_Reengineering BusinessProcessReengineering (企业流程再造)Contents •••••PrefacePart1.whatistheNewThinking?Part2.whytheNewThinking?Part3.UnderstandingProcessesPart4.PuttingtheChinaBacktogether Preface •1.aboutBPR •• •• 1)originofBPR2)charmsofBPR •1)originofBPR...
The goal of business process reengineering (BPR) is to achieve dramatic improvements in business measures of performance by radically changing the process design. This paper provides a structural definition of the redesign search space using the number of employee types and the number of activities. ...
The bridge between business process and information systems reengineering is all too often missing from the roadmap of reengineering efforts. When process and system engineers get to this transition, they discover a rickety old bridge with steep terrain
Business Process Reengineering (BPR), alternatively called reengineering, redesign, or process innovation, came into being in the 1990s. It proposes radical approaches to redefining work as... 关键词: Gestão de Qualidade Total###Base de dados DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-0612-8_111 被引量: 13 ...
business process reengineering(BPRactivity -based costing(ABCcost of controlThe new paradigm of business process reengineering seeks to achieve dramatic performance improvement by radically redesigning the organization; it replaces information systems development that has focused largely on automating and ...