GDToday is the premier source of Guangdong news and a provider of comprehensive information services for those looking to invest, work, study, and live in Guangdong, China.
There may be no more comically vague term in the entire business world than the word "business." It means so many things that it really means nothing, and yet you're reading this right now because you probably have a specific business-related need. You might argue that any letter composed...
Your website content – including blogs, guides, product descriptions and whitepapers – should appeal to customers and prospects at the three stages of the sales funnel: the awareness, investigative and action stages. Awareness stage (top of the funnel): This stage is when a potential client ...
industry challenges, or strategies for success, a well-chosen topic can make all the difference in the quality of your research. Below, you'll find 200+ business research topics
Another conclusion is that there were significant differences in the effects the COVID-19 and other crises of the past between Polish and Greek enterprises. In regard to the value of the specific skills, there were some differences in the population means and especially, in terms of importance ...
LG strives to change the life and business of our customers with innovative technologies and products expanded to cater for enterprise and B2B market.
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Mid-Term Business Report: View from the Chair: Rising Interest Rates to Hit Manufacturing; Views across the Political Landscape" - The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland), August 8, 2000...
We bring you the future as it happens. From the latest in science and technology to the big stories in business and culture, we've got you covered.
Set out your short- and long-term business goals. Use the SMART technique to outline goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Make sure these goals align with your mission statement. 4. Detail your services or products Describe your services or products and lean ...
In the past, we’ve talked about what qualities you should look for in a Business Development Director for your agency, but now we want to break down the different personas of Biz Dev people that will cross your path on your hiring journey. Throughout our experience, there are really three...