SAP子公司Business Objects简介 作为SAP内独立的业务部门,Business Objects公司通过将人、信息、以及业务有机的联系起来,改变着世界的工作方式。Business Objects与业界最强大、最多样化的合作伙伴群体合作,向全球各地的用户提供涵盖主要行业的业务绩效优化方案,这些行业包括金融服务业、零售业、快速消费品行业、医疗保健业和...
SAP与Business Objects会完美的融合 众所周之,SAP公司是全球企业应用中的领导者和开拓者,其软件及软件相关的服务业收入已达到100亿美元。同时, Business Objects公司作为商务智能领域中的领导者和开拓者,其软件及与软件相关的服务业收入也已达到12.5亿美元。因此,SAP与Business Objects两家成功企业的联姻堪称完美,二者的...
1、SAP子公司Business Objects简介 作为SAP内独立的业务部门,Business Objects公司通过将人、信息、以及业务有机的联系起来,改变着世界的工作方式。Business Objects与业界最强大、最多样化的合作伙伴群体合作,向全球各地的用户提供涵盖主要行业的业务绩效优化方案,这些行业包括金融服务业、零售业、快速消费品行业、医疗保健...
acquisition by SAP in January 2008, Dr. Schwarz was the Chief Executive Officer of Business Objects S.A., a provider of business intelligence software and services. 从2005年9月通过被SAP收购在2008年 1月,Schwarz 博士担任Business Objects S.A.的首 席执行官,一个商务智能软件和服务的供...
SAP Business Objects商务智能平台
安装SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.1 简介 Step by step installation/upgrade 方法/步骤 1 Check that all prerequisites are "success". Sometimes an error occured with "Pending reboot" os you'll to restart the server or find in registry key the term "Pending Reboot" and modify it only if it&...
Represents a central business object in the real world, such as a purchase order. SAP business objects describe complete business processes. By invoking methods known as BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interface), external applications can access and manipulate the business objects via the Inter...
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence is a centralized suite for data reporting, visualization, and sharing. As the on-premise BI layer for SAP’s Business Technology Platform, it transforms data into useful insights, available anytime, anywhere. Share insights and make better decisions with the...
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence View products (1) There seems to be huge interest in the BusinessObjects product suite. So, after the great feedback on my first blog I will try to complete my series on the BusinessObjects products in combination with SAP products more quickly. In ...
SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 开始 连接向导 Office 界面 Web 界面 管理界面 Word 和 PowerPoint 界面 我的设置 更多信息 管理 应用程序集管理 新应用程序集 ApShell 示例应用程序集 计划示例应用程序 汇率示例应用程序 应用程序集状态 维度管理 ...