of Commerce & Community Affairs (DCCA) analysis. The DCCA also has a variety of assistance and financial information for new business start-ups and those existing businesses needing to upgrade or expand. Click Here for a brief description of some of the Federal, State and local assistance progra...
It also had a subsidiary company, DCCA Professional Temporaries, Inc., which became part of the merger package when Acsys, Inc. was formed.Three of the first companies making up Acsys, Inc. were a few years older than Cooper's firm. The most senior of the group were Infinity Enterprises...
When you’re coming up with an LLC name, it’s wise to consider whether you can secure a matching domain name so that your future website can be easily found online. We have a tool to help you do a preliminary domain name search, and our domain name registration service can help you...
(1 if companies from Developing Countries were ana- • lyXs6e—d;D0eivneolothpeerdcCasoeusn);tries (1 if companies from Developed Countries were analysed; 0 in other cases); • X7—SME sector (1 if companies from SME sectors were analysed; 0 in other cases); • X8—Large ...