Numerology can be applied to personal aspects of your life, such as your career, relationships, and business. You want some clarity in you life? Find out more at Find it out at 1919 Angel Number. Numerology is more than just assigning a number to date. The numbers have symbolic meaning a...
“practical mystics” who often times live fast paced lives and are ready to embrace more of their own unique spiritual connection to bring more soul back into their life and/or business. I combine work with dreaming, numerology, shamanism, and other modalities with concrete modern day ...
I have never felt this connected to my inner self and in just a couple of sessions. After speaking with him, I feel a lot more whole, empowered, happier, with greater clarity, focus, direction, peace, calm, confidence, you name it... and I know it is only the beginning. I am also...
Yoruba numerology and it simply mean ‘it turns’ or to do something alternately or in succession. Thus, ‘to take turns’ islati sesan(to reciprocate). Hence, [e]sanbasically represents the principle of reciprocity and it connotes turning over, results and exchange (Fasola2015). In this wa...