When you run an online store, you need to have a marketing strategy to spread the word about your brand and generate sales. No matter how good your products are, without proper marketing, you won’t be able to boost revenue or drive traffic to your site. In this article, we’re going...
Social media marketing can make your small business more visible on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. By marketing your small business on social media, you have the potential to reach5.04 billion people, including your ideal customer. So, which social media channel is righ...
Of course, TED Talks would be the first suggestion for professional conferences, but you could speak at a number of other kinds of conferences or even webinars conducted online. When it comes to onlinemarketing, webinars are one of the most powerful and engaging tools to attract larger audienc...
How To Use Marketing Webinars To Grow Your Offline BusinessStephen Beck
Blogging can be a highly effective tool for marketing your business. It helps you connect with potential customers, establish your brand as an authority in your industry, and improve your website’s visibility on search engines. 1. Drive Traffic to Your Website One of the biggest advantages ...
October 24, 2022 webinar Printing and Packaging – Marketing Perspective Join Kimberly Wilson, Global Strategic Marketing Manager and Regina Escandon, Commercial Marketing Manager, for a live webinar, presented by Ink World, as they discuss BASF’s Printing and Packaging marketing perspectives on Nove...
How can Google Analytics be used effectively in B2B marketing? How can a business generate B2B leads? How does B2B influencer marketing work? How do businesses do audience research in online marketing? How can businesses use social media? How are native ads used for webinars? How is inbound...
Influencer marketing can help to both grow your brand reach and offer sales incentives. According to astudy by SproutSocial, the average price to use an influencer to promote a brand is $271 per post. For influencers with more than 100,000 followers, the average cost was $763 per post. ...
If you have highly visual content and a target audience that’s likely to respond to that content, I definitely recommend Instagram for your marketing efforts. It’s particularly great for publishing short-form video content that captures users’ attention with brief videos, complementing longer-form...
Boost your brand’s visibility and drive action with engaging promotional videos. Highlight your products, services, or campaigns in a way motivates them to take the next step. Sector experience that counts Video can be used across any sector, from mining and construction, to marketing, to educ...