Free Texas business information including Houston, San Antonio, Dallas and Austin. Search the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation database.
Types of business licenses in Texas The legal requirements for licensing in Texas depend on your business’s physical location and specific activities: Some small business owners don’t need a license, while others need federal, state, and local business licenses to operate legally. Here’s an ...
Check with the SOSDirect portal or the Texas Comptroller’s search tool to see if any other business is using the name you want.If there is, then you’ll have to go back to the drawing board. We suggest compiling a list of potential names so you can search for them in one sitting....
Corporation & Business Entity SearchIn Texas, the Secretary of State is responsible for registering corporations, with Jane Nelson currently serving in the role. Texas is known for its business-friendly environment, with no state income tax and a relatively low corporate tax rate. The state offers...
What is a Business License? As a business owner, you are responsible for making sure your business has the proper federal, state and local licenses and permits to operate legally. A business license ensures you are legitimately doing business in a particular locale. Every new business must apply...
5 Basic Steps On How To Get A Business License In Texas Business name & form your company Apply for your Texas business license online Determine which other local licenses may be applicable Apply for additional statewide Texas business licenses Apply for federal licenses and tax treatment How To...
$99 for the business license and permit report How It Works We partnered with Avalara® to provide a custom report of the business licensing and permits that you need to legally operate a new or existing company in your state, county, and city. ...
The Maryland Department of Commerce has compiled an online database so that you can perform a statewide and county-level Maryland business license search and determine what license you might need to operate your business. You can also consult the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation’s ...
Texas doesn’t require a generalbusiness license, but you’ll need specific licenses and permits depending on your industry and location. For example, selling liquor requires a license from theTexas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Local requirements vary, especially in cities like Houston, Austin, and...
Business License / Permit Trademark Registration Corporate LLC Kit Support How to Become an Entrepreneur Choosing a Business Structure Business Name Generator Business Name Search LLC Information by State Corp Information by State Articles Center Contact Business Management Services Annual Report Registered ...