I recently read your article/advertisement I was given your name by ... who suggested that Reference Thank you for your letter/email/message of ... concerning/about/enclosing/enquiring I have received your letter/email of Further to/With regard to/Regarding/With reference to On the subject of...
At one time, you wouldn’t think about ending a business letter without a valediction such as “yours truly,”“sincerely,” or “regards.” To this day, some traditionalists still end business communication this way, even when that communication takes place through email. Those people may no...
In short, you want to give a professional image when you write to your customers and business partners. To get you started, we’ve prepared some lists of standard phrases: 10 good opening lines We need an opening line in a business letter or professional email: to make reference to previou...
This page can take on many forms, and you can use that flexibility to make your cover letter easier to parse. This example rephrases the text in the image above by using bullets to make the formatting more legible: Dear [Client.FirstName] Thank you for considering [Sender.Company] for yo...
第一篇:商务谈判常用英文词组 Business negotiations common phrases 商务谈判常用英文词组 / business negotiations common phrase 数量之首 The king of quantity 质量最佳 The queen of quality 信誉可靠 reliable reputation 闻名世界 world-wide renowm 久负盛名 to have a long standing reputation 誉满中外 to enj...
It’s the “complimentary close” or “complimentary closing” that business writers are wondering about, those phrases that come before the signature in a letter.The complimentary closes below are listed from (1) very formal to (14) very warm. ...
They show your appreciation towards the person your letter is addressed to. So, for example, phrases like “Yours truly,..”, “Respectfully,..” and so on so forth, are commonly used to close off letters of both personal and formal origin. But a question that is most likely to arise,...
Passes. A welcome letter. New words and expressions. Participate. To take part in or become valued in an activity. Parading. The fact of being at a particular place. Expertise. Expect knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity of. Smooth. Free from difficulties. The problem it...
意向书 letter of intent 空白格式 blank form 授权书 power of attorney 换文exchange of letter 备忘录 memorandum 合同条款 contract terms 免责条款 escape clause 唐诗三百首早教原文 original text带桥的诗句 译文version 措辞wording 正本original 副本copy 附录attachment 附件appendix 会签to counter-sign 违反合...
Business Letter Lesson Plan Business Letter Writing Prompts & Activities Essential Email Phrases for Business in English How to Write a Business Thank You Letter English Email Greeting Phrases Essentials of Telegrams in Business Email Greeting: Examples, Formal & Informal Training Staff to Interact With...