Attention: M. G. James 6. 称呼 Dear Mr. Park White,7. 主题句 Up-to-date list of addresses 8.正文 Thank you for your letter of 16th March, asking for a to-date list of addresses of our branches.We have pleasure in enclosing this brochure, showing location of all our branches and ...
Partsofthebusinessletter ••••••••••••Theletterhead.Thedate.Insidenameandaddress.AttentionlineThesalutation.Thesubjectline.Thebody.Thecomplimentaryclose.Thesignature.Copynotation.Enclosurenotation.Postscript.书信基本知识有关词汇 letterhead信头date日期insidenameandaddress信内名称和...
Lesson 1 Structure of Business Letter 商务信函的结构 I. 必需部分 一封标准的商务信函必须包含信头、封内地址、称呼、正文、结尾敬语和签名六个部分,缺一不可。每一个组成部分都有自己的内容、作用、位置和需要注意的地方,下面一一进行介绍。 1. 信头(Letter Head) 信头指信函中写信人的地址和写信日期,其作...
Attention Line主送,The attention line is used to name the specific individual the letter is addressed to. It is usually placed between the inside address and the salutation or within the inside address and centered over the body of a letter in the indented style. Its abbreviation is Attn.. ...
正文正文 (body of the letter)7. 结尾套语结尾套语 (complimentary cl 2、ose)8. 签名签名 (signature)9. 附加成分附加成分: 案号案号(reference)、 编号编号(serial number)、 注意项注意项(attention line)、 主办人主办人代号代号(identification mark)、缩写名、附件及、缩写名、附件及分送标志部分分送...
,back,To write a letter for establishing business relations,you had better follow the steps below:,1.toinformofthesourceofthe informationyougetaboutyouraddressee; 2.tostateyouri 7、ntentionofestablishing businessrelations; 3.togiveabriefintroductionofyour businessscope,products,etc.,4.toshowthe...
Attention:MarketingDepartment (4)Attentionline注意事项 -appointeddealer’sname-function:helpdispatchtheletter-position:underinsideraddress-form: Attention:Mr.SmithAttention-SalesManagerAttentiontoSalesManagerFortheattentionofMr.Smith DearSirs,(5)Salutation称呼-thecomplimentarygreetingtothe...
When addressing a letter to a firm, Dear Sirs, Ladies and gentlemen or Gentlemen (American English ) would be used.Attention LineAn attention line is considered a part of the inside address and it leads the letter to a particular person or department when the letter is addressed to a ...
Attention: Marketing Department(4) Attention line 注意事项appointed dealers name function: help dispatch the letterposition:under insider addressform: Atte 5、ntion: Mr. Smith AttentionSales Manager Attention to Sales Manager For the attention of Mr. Smith Dear Sirs,(5) Salutation 称呼the ...