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While international law establishes states as the primary duty bearers for providing remedy, this research focuses on the provision of non-state remedy for business-related human rights abuses. Certain rightsholders prefer, and certain instances are best or should be resolved within state remedial ...
Thus, policymakers are advised to uphold debt management strategies and institutional reforms, such as reducing corruption, improving property rights, and strengthening the rule of law, to ensure transparency in debt use and maintain a sustainable debt burden. This will create a more attractive ...
Notes or endnotes should only be used if absolutely necessary. They should be identified in the text by consecutive numbers enclosed in square brackets. These numbers should then be listed, and explained, at the end of the article. Figures All figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, webpag...
for your business is essential. We are professionals working for you and we have the solutions to make your finance and accounting department run smoothly. We've added a new Service: New law incompliance: Filing your BOI report with the government Website:
NOTES 1 . T H E U R G E N C Y O F A DVA N C I N G E Q UA L I T Y 1. World Bank Group, "Women, Business and the Law 2018" (2018); Hallward-Drie- meier, M., T. Hasan, and A.B. Rusu, "Women's Legal Rights over 50 Years: Progress, Stagna- tion or ...
Three significant projects sustainability to deliver renewable energy and in Manyara and Mara regions also helped recycle our water. Tanzania hit its target of 102,000 cubic Whereas the fruit of these significant investments will be clear upon completion of these projects, we have made huge efforts...
The number of connections increases by an exponential 'power law'. The costs of connecting incremental people gets smaller and the benefits get bigger for everyone. The power of centrally collecting data leads to optimization of many kinds and triggers completely new insights and relationships. Most...
In Tanzania, co-operatives have gone through different apogees. At a time, co-operatives were very strong, and several initiatives through these institutions were successful. Also, there was a time when co-operatives lost their direction due to various reasons such as malpractices and embezzlement...
The results of this study can be used as a reference on how a transnational crime can be criminalised under suppression conventions both in terms of its reasonings and options and thus can contribute to the study of transnational criminal law. This study is important for transnational criminal ...