It’s easy to think that business law and business ethics are interchangeable. They are not. In a best-case scenario, they should shadow and complement each other, but that is not often the case. Business often takes actions that are legal, but not ethical. Understanding what business law ...
The comparative seriousness of business law and business ethics gives some business people the impression that there is nothing important in business ethics. The costly penalties of illegal conduct compared to the uncertain consequences of unethical conduct support a common illusion that business ethics ...
This essential business ethics text touches on many themes important to future leaders of business. Broad in its scope, the book presents the business aspects of philosophy, law, politics, government policy, and education. The material is designed to heighten the reader's sensitivity to the moral...
内容提示: Business, Ethics and Law Richard McCarty ABSTRACT. The comparative seriousness of business law and business ethics gives some business people the impres- sion that there is nothing important in business ethics. The costly penalties of illegal conduct compared to the uncertain consequences of...
This paper focuses on the relation between business law and business ethics in order to raise questions about the presumed distinction between law and morality. By investigating rule-following and the problem of running out of rules in legal and moral decision-making the argument that emerges is ...
ethicslaw原文unethicalethical商务 Business,Ethics,AndTheLawTheprimaryobjectiveofabusinessistomakemoney.Whywouldanindividualorgroupofpeoplestartabusinessifhedidnotwanttomakemoney?Anargumentthatisgeneratedbysomeis:"Shouldprofitsbetheonlyfunctionofabusiness?"Thedesireforbusinessestomakemoneycansometimesleadtowhatisconsi...
5Politics,LawandBusinessEthics5政治、法律和商业伦理 PoliticalSystemPoliticalRiskLegalSystemsGlobalLegalandEthicalIssuesManagerialIssuesofLegalProblemsBusinessandInternationalRelations 影响国际商务活动成败的另一至关重要因素:对当地政治和法律环境的了解。在其他国家从事商务活动,就免不了涉及当地...
it is imperative that the adjuster is knowledgeable about thebasic structure of arbitrationand arbitration law. Knowledge of arbitration law will help the adjuster to gather the necessary insurance data to complete the claim. This Knowledge of arbitration law will help the adjuster to gather the nece...
美 英 un.商业道德 网络企业伦理;商业伦理;企业道德 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 商业道德
The law usually sets the tone for business ethics, though doing the bare minimum is generally frowned upon. Developing ethical models and practices can boost a company's revenues, profits, and share price. Investopedia / Katie Kerpel Understanding Business Ethics ...