This is one of the top Business Intelligence masters programs that will let you gain proficiency in Business Intelligence. You will work on real-world projects in Informatica, Tableau, MSBI, Power BI, MS SQL, Data Warehousing, Azure Data Factory, SQL DBA, and more. In this program, you wil...
If you're interested in studying a Business Intelligence degree in United States you can view all 482 Masters programmes. You can also read more about Business Intelligence degrees in general, or about studying in United States. For more information on finding scholarships, visit our scholarship ...
专业名称:Business Intelligence & Analytics-Master's Program 官网:Business Intelligence & Analytics Master's Degree Program 学校位置:Stevens Institute of Technology,1 Castle Point Terrace,Hoboken, NJ 07030(与曼哈顿隔河相望) 录取要求:1年工作经验(推荐,非必须),托福,GMAT或GRE,平均成绩B以上 学费与奖学金...
Master of Information Systems Management(MISM) degree with a Business Intelligence and Data Analytics(BIDA) concentration 学校:卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity简称CMU)坐落在宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡(Pittsburgh),是一所享誉世界的私立顶级研究型大学,该校拥有全美顶级计算机学院和戏剧学院,该校的艺术学院,商学院...
/PRNewswire/ -- Following the successful launch of the nation's first graduate program in artificial intelligence in business, the W. P. Carey School of...
Top 10 Best Masters in Business Analytics Digitalization is growing across a whole host of industries. Cutting edge digital concepts such as artificial intelligence (AI) have taken the world by storm this year. This makes knowing how to analyse data effectively more important. ...
18.Msc International Business: Information Management & Business Intelligence Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics Germany 19.M.Sc. Business Informatics University of Mannheim - School of Business informatics and mathematics ...
(2015). Developing emotional intelligence for entrepreneurs: The role of entrepreneurship development programs. South Asian Journal of Management, 22(4), 85–100. Google Scholar Granig, P., & Hilgarter, K. (2020). Organisational resilience: A qualitative study about how organisations handle ...
Artificial Intelligence for Business PGDip Executive MBA EMBA Finance DPhil Financial Economics MSc Financial Strategy PGDip Global Business PGDip Law and Finance MSc Major Programme Management MSc Management DPhil Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration Oxford 1+1 MBA prog...
Drake University in Des Moines has been offering students a bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence since 2020. Since then, they’ve had to adapt the program in a field that’s rapidly growing and changing. Working Iowa Working Iowa: Scams target people looking to work from home ...