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Multinational Business Finance 跨国金融与财务 PPT Chapter1GlobalizationandtheMultinationalEnterprise Copyright©2010PearsonEducation.Allrightsreserved.TheMultinationalEnterprise(MNE)•Amultinationalenterprise(MNE)isdefinedasonethathasoperatingsubsidiaries,branchesoraffiliateslocatedinforeigncountries.•Theownershipofsome...
Here we have another super professional option that’s suitable for a corporate audience, particularly in the finance and investment industries. This template consists of 30 unique and fully editable slides with five businesslike colour schemes, and is available as a free download from SlidesGo. Free...
名校 Business Finance 课件1 BusinessFinance Lecture1IntroductiontoBusinessFinance Readings:McLaneyChpt1&2 1 Contact ModuleConvenor:YingJiangEmail:ying.jiang@nottingham.edu.cnOffice:AB375OfficeHours:Wednesday:1:00-2:00Thursday:1:00-2:00orbyappointment 2 2 CourseOutline(11x2hours)...
13-2 Overview of Translation ? Translation exposure is the potential for an increase or decrease in the parent’s net worth and reported net income caused by a change in exchange rates since the last translation. ? While the main purpose of translation is to prepare consolidated statements, ...
Principles of Business & Finance Objective 4.03 Understand production’s role and function in business to recognize its need in an organization Principles of Business & Finance Objective 4.03 What is Production? Production is the creation of goods and services from the combination of economic resources...
Business & Personal Finance CONSUMER RESPONSIBILITIES The marketplace is full of deceptive and misleading promotions that induce consumers to buy goods and services of inferior quality or things they do not really need or want. Deception Occurs when false or misleading claims are made about the quali...
外贸英语函电课件Module 2 Establishing Business Relations.ppt,Group Activity: Recite and Interpret Step 1 Read aloud the Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns.(In and after class, 5 minutes in class) Step 2 Memorize and Recite Setp 3 Interpret: One student r
BusinessFinance Lecture6 SourcesofLongTermFinancing Readings:McLaneyChpt8 Lecturer:YingJiang 1 Outline Factorsconsideredbybusinessandinvestorsinlong-termfinanceEquityFinancing •RetainedProfit•RightsIssues•PublicIssues PreferenceShareFinancingDebtFinancing •PrivateDebt•PublicDebt(loannotesorbonds)2 Sources...