1. instrumental climate: self interest or comp interest take priority over ethical concernsexample: profits and results above all else, even at the cost of ethics2. law and code climate: emphasizes adherence to rules, regulations, and laws as a guide for ethical behaviorexample: strict compliance...
Business and Organizational Ethics Final Exam 90個詞語 lchaveriat01 預覽 practice test 1 41個詞語 itz_zay_duhhh 預覽 Quiz 12: Nietzsche & Haidt 10個詞語 marinheadlands 預覽 Chapter 4: Business Ethics 14個詞語 Allie7308 預覽 Ethics and Tech 2 老師17個詞語 jackthelion83 預覽 Chapter 4 - Under...
Business Ethics Quiz 1 Free market economy 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Capitalism 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 DTKenny 學生們也學習了 U.S. History 1st Edition•ISBN:9781938168369 John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen...
Follows the lines of Aristotle's virtue ethics, which involves continuous contemplation and action, and habits of excellence 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 32 建立者 arask7 2個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 PC People Quiz Sunday 13個詞語 njkeller7 預覽 Chapter 12 8個詞語 callie_...
Ethics 21個詞語 emmy_holmes 預覽 Blake Hill's Do Dogs Have Rights? 32個詞語 quizlette43721618 預覽 MGMT 371 CH. 6 Quiz 25個詞語 mkadams1 預覽 "The Challenge of Cultural Relativism " by James Rachels 35個詞語 wifi_mami 預覽 Critical Thinking and Ethical Decision-Making Principles 106個詞語...
The key difference is that legality focuses on meeting the minimum requirements of the law, while ethics considers what is morally right. - Legally, his actions needed to comply with corporate and securities laws, such as insider trading rules, fiduciary duties, and disclosure requirements- Ethicall...
The Importance of Institutionalization in Business Ethics Involves embedding values, norms, and artifacts in organizations, industries, and societyThe failure to understand highly appropriate core practices provides the opportunity for unethical conduct -Laws establish the basic ground rules for responsible b...
Emily_Pagett8 Top creator on Quizlet· 2個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 PC People Quiz Sunday 13個詞語 njkeller7 預覽 Chapter 12 8個詞語 callie_edmonds9 預覽 Overview of Acquisition Ethics (ACQ 0030) 7個詞語 Kishan_S85 預覽 Exam 1: Introduction to Ethics 5個詞語 Jolyssa...
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 40個詞語 campbell258 預覽 MGT 321 Ch 4 47個詞語 agetautas 預覽 Week 1: Foundation of medical ethics 9個詞語 alyssa_elliott30 預覽 PHIL 22H Flashcards 30個詞語 AjayS99 預覽 FINAL EXAM REVIEW - ITN 92個詞語 Shayla258 預覽 CB3- Ethan Alcock 19個詞語...