企业道德和社会责任-Business-Ethics-and-Social-Responsibility.pptx,Business Ethics and Social ResponsibilityVic SaundersWhat are Stakeholders?Stakeholders are those individuals or groups who depend on an organisation to fulfil their own goals and on whom,
and immigration policies Business EthicsSocial ResponsibilityEnvironmental Sustainability Environmental SustainabilityThe extent that an organization’s operations and actions protect, mend, and preserve rather than harm or destroy the natural environment Environmental SustainabilityStrategies of companies are ...
After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Explain how individuals develop their personal codes of ethics and why ethics are important in the workplace. Distinguish social responsibility from ethics, identify organizational stakeholders, and characterize social consciousness today. Show how the ...
Business Ethics Business ethics is a set of laws about how a business should conduct itself. Do we at HTHS have a code of ethics? ·Sweatshops are factories that pay workers poorly, are unhealthy, and treat workers badly. ·The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a divisi...
Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Social Responsibility Social Responsibility is the awareness that business activities have an impact on society and the consideration of the impact by firms in decision making. Socially responsible firms can be profitable while voluntarily engaging in activities ...
企业道德和社会责任-business-ethics-and-social-responsibilityppt课件 热度: 社会企业的设计:转型社会化媒体战略的关连公司 Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies for the Connected Company 热度: The Role of Business in Society Creating Shared Value企业在社会中的角色创造共享价值 ...
BusinessEthicsandCorporate SocialResponsibility Chapter4 4-2 Chapter4Objectives Afterstudyingthischapter,youwillbeableto: •Discusswhatitmeanstopracticegoodbusiness ethicsandhighlightthreefactorsthatinfluence ethicaldecisionmaking. •Definecorporatesocialresponsibility(CSR)and ...
BusinessEthicsandSocialResponsibility VicSaunders 1 WhatareStakeholders Stakeholdersarethoseindividualsorgroupswhodependonanorganisationtofulfiltheirowngoalsandonwhom,inturn,theorganisation depends(Johnsonetal2011).2 StakeholdersofaLargeOrganisation 3 StakeholderExpectations •Decisionstakenbymanagersareinfluencedby...
商业道德(Business Ethics)培训课件.ppt,Morality is not just a question of avoiding evil (individual) but of pro-actively doing good (social). Justice is not just avoiding doing harm to the other person but of responding to the objective demands of the sit