Business English Pod 1.4.apk Learn business English with your favorite English listening lessons from Business English Pod! Boost your English vocabulary and learn English idioms -
TheBusiness English Podlessons use an effective format that helps you remember what you learn and improve your skills. It starts with an introduction that tells you about the topic and situation for the dialog. Then you hear the dialog, which is a natural example of business communication. Then...
Business English Pod propose un podcast ESL et des cours d'anglais des affaires pour les apprenants intermédiaires et avancés en anglais des affaires. Chaquepodcast en anglais des affairesla leçon est axée sur une compétence particulière (réunions, présentations, téléphoner, négociation,...
Business English Pod provides ESL podcast and business English lessons for intermediate and advanced business English learners. Eachbusiness English podcastlesson is focused on a particular skill (meetings, presentations, telephoning, negotiating, socializing, travel, conversation etc.) and language function ...
俺也一样momo创作的外语有声书作品Business English Pod,目前已更新7个声音,收听最新音频章节BEP387-Business-Development-5。自用,方便日常听说。
Download apps by Business English Pod, including English for Telephoning by Business English Pod, English for Presentations by Business English Pod, English for Meetings by Business English Pod and many more.
Everything that has made Business English Pod so popular for learning business English is integrated into this app. Our English lessons use an effective format that helps you remember what you learn and improve your business English skills. Each lesson starts with an introduction that tells you ab...
电话英语:促使对方行动 Telephone English: Getting Action - BEP 23 - Business English Pod 1686 -- 18:36 App 项目管理:每日站会 Project Management 4: Scrum Stand-up Meetings (1) - BEP 313 1852 -- 23:18 App 描述工作经历常用词汇 English Idioms for Describing Work Experience (2) - BEP 297 ...
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I'm a english teacher in united states. I have been an English teacher for 8 years. If you wanna learn native English pls add my wechat: abby1199 赞 回应 红豆冰淇淋 2015-01-12 09:07:28 太赞了,非常感谢楼主的分享:-) business english podcast的资源对我很需要,再次感谢:-) 赞 回应 ...