Just last week, my colleague used the word “spitball”. As I sat there, disgusted at the picture of us doing heaven knows what to a ball, it dawned on me: he must mean something else! To save you the unsavory mental images and improve your writing skills, we’ve compiled a list of...
In business writing classes, people have asked, “Do I have to writeSincerelyif I can’t stand the person and I don’t feel sincere?” The answer is yes. “Sincerely” is a much more gracious close than “Spitefully” or “With strong malice.” (Note: I am joking. The two previous ...
Transform your team's English skills in just 3 months with personalized coaching. Improve fluency, pronunciation, and rapport-building to close more deals.
Ghostwriters like Jeff Haden have created very lucrative careers for themselves by writing for business executives and CEO’s—and Jeff also started his ghostwriting career as a side business idea outside of his full-time job as a factory manager. Listen to Jeff’s interview with me on The ...
These high school boys, like many Tanzanians who speak English, have a charming habit of appending an “i” to the end of words. Food becomes foodi. The guy who assists the groom at a wedding is the besti mani. Even my university educated client, Rashid, told me his name was Rashid...
The pandemic has found a way to teach students in large lecture classes using the Discussion Method. If COVID-19 has taught me anything, it is that my students enjoy Zoom discussions on mandatory Fridays much more than my attempts at in-person discussions on “attendance-not-required” Mondays...
True business plans take your ideas, questions, and concerns and put those in writing. As you start creating your business plan, you’ll soon understand that it’s more than a single piece of paper with handwritten details on it. It’s a clearly constructed format of how your business ...
Writing this was hard. At one point, I wasn’t sure I had anything to write. There was no strong theme or encompassing headline that normally lead me forward. There is a thread in the next three stories…maybe…maybe not…or maybe I will just see it later. ...
I have two major concerns regarding this experience: What should I wear, and will the sciatica in my left leg cause some problems (problems as in giving out from underneath me and causing me to collapse on the State Capitol floor). My colleague who is writing the testimony works for an ...
Lynn, thank you for your artical about business writing, In Chinese, thanks in advance(先谢了) is OK, every one often uses it. But we learn English from the U.K or U.S.A , so to respect your culture, I will use the alternatives you supplied. ...