首选Math/Econ。BA ,简单来说就是Business+Analysis两部分,申请者可以具备商的背景,也可以具备数理分析...
the claimant. In such circumstances, strict legal requirements for claimants to assert in detail all the facts of their case at the beginning of an action and to proffer precisely specified items of supporting evidence can unduly impede the effective exercise of the right to compensation guaranteed...
Banks have so far weathered well the financial turbulence caused by COVID-19 while at the same time being central in the economic and financial response. A
Harvard University, Stanford University and MIT took the top three spots, with UCLA behind Berkeley to round out the top five universities with the highest overall scores across the four criteria of research, learning experience, diversity and internationalism, and employability. ...
三个学校都挺好 如果都录了你...那想去LA就抛硬币选一个 想去纽约就去NYU咯
The top 3 most prolific authors contributed 130 papers combined, all three were male, two of the three were from US Universities (Ohio State, Columbus, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA) and one was from France (Insead, Fontainebleau, France). One of the three was visually identified as BIPOC....
US corporate law and, in particular, Delaware law, which leaves ample room to freedom of contract, has been one of the reasons for the successful creation and financing of startups in Silicon Valley. We analyze the Italian attempt to modernize company law in order to promote startup creation...