Business e-mail compromiseCorporate organizationsCyber victimizationCybercrimeEconomic sustainabilitySecurity Journal - Although numerous studies on cybercrime have been undertaken, very little is known about the BEC scam and its effects on economic sustainability in Nigeria. Using data collected......
DieKompromittierung von Geschäfts-E-Mails(Business Email Compromise oder kurz BEC) ist eine Art von Social-Engineering-Angriff, bei dem die E-Mails des Opfers übernommen werden.Bei einem BEC-Angriff fälscht der Angreifer eine E-Mail-Nachricht im Klartext, um das Opfer zu einer bestim...
Start your journey toward enterprise email security and reach out to us to see SalaX Secure Mail in action We at SSH secure communications between systems, automated applications, and people. We strive to build future-proof and safe communications for businesses and organizations to grow safely in...
Email clients use email properties like “Display Name” and “From Address” to show the sender of the email. Attackers forge these properties to make itvisually look likea real sender. When we take a closer look at the below example, we see the mail came from a look-alike email address...
l’email è un attacco di phishing. Se la sicurezza delle e-mail non è adeguata, l’attacco potrebbe non essere mai identificato. I costi e le implicazioni del Business Email Compromise (BEC) negli ultimi anni sono diventati sempre più preoccupanti. Ad esempio, secondo un rapporto dell...
Cybercriminals are constantly on the lookout for new ways to attack companies. In the past few years, they have increasingly resorted to business e-mail compromise (BEC) attacks that target corporate correspondence. The US Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) alonereported 23,775 such incidents ...
BEC is a sophisticated scam that begins when a fraudster compromises legitimate business e-mail accounts through social engineering or computer intrusion techniques. Once access is gained, the fraudster uses this access to steal intellectual property or facilitate unauthorized transfers of funds. In 201...
In order to protect your company from the actions of cybercriminals, we recommend installing a reliablecybersecurity solutionon all corporate devices with internet access. Also helpful is equipping the mail gatewaywith a product capable of filtering malicious, phishing and spam e-mails. Finally, in...
Please enter your E-mail Address Enter your First Name (optional) Then Don't worry -- your e-mail address is totally secure. I promise to use itonlyto send you SEARCHLIGHT Success eXPRESS!. For example: Here's one very nice time saving device right HERE.-->Turn your business cards int...