As a Business Development Executive. We are looking for someone who knows and understands business in Mexico. In this role, you will help us expand our regional footprint by connecting with partners and sharing our products. You will travel, meet people, and make big things happen. You will ...
作为BD Executive,您需要:拥有稳定的客户群体。开发稳固的潜在战略客户渠道。能够为华中北区PL贡献更多的本地控制业务完成月度、季度的销售任务指标成为Toll全球高度参与,高度积极的销售团队的一员。为了能够胜任该职位,您需要:热爱销售岗位的工作良好的抗压能力良好的客户沟通能力熟练使用各种办公软件以及销售软件在货运代理...
职位描述 选址开发经验 零售 擅长市场可行性分析 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 1. To keep tracking and build up national commercial information. 持续更新全国商业动向。 2. To follow up the development of different city through various data. 持续更新不同城市的数据信息。
社招免费发布流程 如果有招聘的需求,欢迎发送招聘信息至邮箱,本公众号将免费进行排期发布及扩散至社群中,招聘内容请确认已获授权,避免产生合规性问题。如果企业有特殊合作需…
挪威船级社(中国)有限公司诚聘Business Development Executive人,薪资待遇1.5-2万,工作地点深圳-福田区,工作经验3年及以上,学历要求本科,点击查看更多Business Development Executive相关招聘信息,城市服务业打工招工就上51米多多招聘网!
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Remote Business Intelligence Jobs (Hiring Now, Dec 2024): Find the best work from home or hybrid full & part-time jobs. Discover a better job search with FlexJobs!
2.商业推广专员(Executive of Business Development Department)工作地点:上海 招聘人数:2人 职位描述: a) 进行市场开发 b) 筹…|基于4个网页 2. 商业拓展部专员 1.商业拓展部专员(Executive of Business Development Department)2.公司业务部法律顾问(Legal Counsel of Corporate …www.manivest...