this small business continuity toolkit will help streamline your efforts. We’ve compiled all of the strategies and resources you need to assess your business’s needs, set your objectives, and apply for assistance
9. “Business Continuity Management: Global Best Practices”. Andrew N Hiles, 19 Sep 2024. 10. “Business Continuity Management Toolkit”. HM Government,
Learn about the importance of business continuity planning and management from experts. In this article, you’ll learn the definition of a business continuity plan and the primary goal of business continuity planning. Additionally, you’ll learn the steps involved in business continuity planning and...
大流行病(PandemicPlan)计划 | 我们知道,业务连续性计划(business continuity plan)一般以业务要素不可用情况进行组织和编制,从这个角度讲,传统上归属于业务连续性规划中的大流行病计划(Pandemic Plan)就有些另类了。(事实上,流行病本身也被归类在突发事件范畴)附图来自美国FEMA国家连续性项目(National Continuity Progra...