This user property is used in C++ code to verify whether or not the function line item is a child item of a parent menu or package.Line Items BC Name: QuoteUse this user property to get the appropriate business component instance in C++ code to create custom menus or packages in quote ...
Business Component(BC)和Business Object(BO) Siebel应用架构的一个成功的地方就是在应用里引入了BC,BO的概念,从而使得几千张关系数据表能够按照业务的含义组织成业务对象,对于业务人员而言具有了业务上的含义,而不仅仅是从技术人员的观点来对待数据(就是关系表而已)。 Link:BC之间的关系 对于关系表之间的关系,如主...
this is the Business Address business component. The second integration component has one integration field for each field based on the given MVG in the parent business component. An integration component user property will be set on this integration component to tell the EAI Siebel Adapter that it...
Siebel Exception: Method 'FieldValue' of business component 'Account Attachment' (integration component 'Account Attachment') re Issue: When you try to insert a new attachment to siebel application using AccountAttachment BS WS/EJB method, you may got following error. Exception: [SIEBEL ERROR] Thr...
业务组件(business component) 一个组件,定义特定主体集(例如 Siebel Business Applications 中的产品、联系人或帐户)所显示的结构、行为和信息。 业务生态系统(business ecosystem) 由相互影响的组织和个人构成的组织所支持的业务社区。此社区生产有价货物和服务并向客户提供,这些客户自身也属于此生态系统。业务生态系统包...
To send data or obtain data from Siebel Business Applications, the adapter uses business objects. A business object is a structure that consists of data, the action to be performed on the data, and additional instructions, if any, for processing the data
You can invoke siebel script from a button through business component server script, applet server script and applet browser script. The following is an explanation of how to do this. For these examples I will assume that you have configured the button and this is displayed on the desired appl...
The Siebel Server Manager allows you to configure the parameters governing the operation of each component, and determine which Siebel Servers a given component can operate. Use the Siebel Server Manager to: • Start, Stop, Pause, and resume Siebel Servers, components, and tasks. • Monitor ...
“For retailers, this means not needing to carry as much inventory in the store, since shoppers can explore it all through this platform,” explainsTyler Harris, a McKinsey engagement manager. With an integrated social sharing component, customers can take selfies, share looks with friends, and...
The alias and password values are referenced when setting SSL-related parameters for the Oracle BI Presentation Service Plug-in component. Generate the Certificate Request To generate the certificate, use the certreq subcommand of the keytool command with the inputs as shown: keytool -certreq -v -...