Business Class Comparison Chart The table below can be sorted by any column. Simply click a column header (i.e. Airline) to re-sort the table. Clicking the header a second time will reverse the sort. Have questions? See the Chart Key. AirlineAircraft with seatmapSeat PitchSeat WidthVideo...
But unlike the business class seats of Singapore Airlines’ Boeing 777 and long-range Airbus A350 jets, which must be manually flipped over to become a bed, the A380 seats work like just about every other business class seat: you simply hold down a button to go from a slight recline to ...
Reports on the high cost for business class travelers on intercontinental flights, allowing airlines to be financially successful, despite a less than 40 percent seat booking. Information on the growth of business class as a top of the line ...
Before selecting an airline for your trip, be sure to compare your seating options by using our short-haul First or Business Class Chart highlighting specific seat features.
Air Canada’s B787-8 features a single Business Class cabin with 5 rows of 4 Business Class seats each (in comparison: there a 8 rows of Business Class seats in the B787-9, also located in one single cabin). The seats are arranged in an excellent 1-2-1 reverse herringbone layout, wi...
American’s Boeing 787-9 business class seat Bottom line American’s three business class seats American has three different kinds of business class seats on its wide body aircraft, with the fleet comprised of Boeing 777s and Boeing 787s. The good news is that all American wide body jets fe...
Plus a business class seat chart for comparison. Economy Seats Who has the best recline and the occasional video movie inflight? Entertainment and the best leg-stretching seats aloft. First Class Seats Survey A detailed First Class seat survey looking at bed width, recline, and facilities. Who...
The throne seats are the widest seats on average in the USA domestic market. They feature generous dimensions with a pitch of 60 inches (152 cm) and a width of 22 inches (56 cm). For comparison: the other Business Class seats in JetBlue’s Mint cabin have a pitch of 58 inches (147...
Hainan business class, seats 15D & 15G Well, the flight was way oversold in economy, though it seemed that only a few passengers had been booked in business class. As the cabin continued to fill up, every business class seat was taken, and it seemed like at least 80% of the passenger...
Need to hold a meeting while travelling? Book aSalottino Businessprivate 4-seat compartment, available only on Frecciarossa ETR 500 trains – they’re perfect for private meetings on the move. Frecciarossa classes comparison How does the Business Class compare to the other classes on Frecciarossa?