Biographies, memoirs and salacious tell-alls about these big-tech bosses have shaped readers’ understanding of how the online world changes the offline one. But these books rarely mention the principal figures who have shaped the experience of being online: social-media influencers. 互联网及其对...
(Victor Bewley), Fiona Murdoch (2002).Victor Bewley's Memoirs. (Dublin, IR: Veritas Publications, 112 p.). Bewley, Victor; Bewley's Cafés Limited; Restaurateurs--Ireland--Biography; Quakers--Ireland--Biography. Bewley's Cafés Limited. ...
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In today’s world, an abundance of data is available that can be used to measure CEOs’ traits, such as media interviews, social media posts, earnings calls, annual reports, press releases, and even biographies and memoirs. Non-banking literature has already incorporated content analysis; for ...
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