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Pakistan Business Directory - Online resource for business, importers, exporters, traders, industries and manufacturers in Pakistan -
Pakistan Business Directory - Online resource for business, importers, exporters, traders, industries and manufacturers in Pakistan -
The government of Pakistan is trying to build more TPs for promoting business activities under CPEC. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the needs of tenants of TPs for successful utilization of huge amount of public money to be invested in TPs....
From fried rice and dumplings to noodles and wontons, there is a vast array of tasty dishes that are available for those looking for a quick and delicious meal. In this food affair, we will take a look at the different types of Chinese fast food dishes, their ingredients and preparation ...
In this blog, we have written down the top 25 online business ideas in Pakistan without investment. Let's have a look!
The establishment of Yunnan business representative office in Pakistan not only widely publicized the new achievements of Yunnan's reform and opening up, shaped a new image of Yunnan's active integration into Pakistan's economic development, but also pro
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As part of ongoing efforts to promote investment cooperation between Pakistan and China, the Embassy of Pakistan in Beijing hosted a Business and Investment roundtable on September 28 at its premises. Minister for Board of Investment Mr. Abdul Aleem Khan, presided over the roundtable in which ove...