商务穿搭统称Business Attire,其中一般分为四种,Business formal,Business professional,Business casual和casual。 1Business Formal 男士: - 定制的一粒扣、二粒扣或三粒扣西装,采用纯色中性色,如黑色、灰色或海军蓝。 - 领带和其他配饰在颜色和款式上都应该适度——纯色、明亮的颜色(例如红色领带),或有图案的柔和中...
2.Business Casual:商务休闲装,比Business Formal更为随意。 在分辨Business Formal和Business Casual时,需要注意的是Business Formal要求穿着正式、庄重,适合在正式场合使用;而Business Casual则比较随意、舒适,适合在非正式场合使用。在商务场合中...
What is business casual attire? Business casual is neither too stuffy or formal, nor too laidback – think of it like a middle ground, one that works at a large majority of offices these days. Even if you work from home multiple days a week, as I do, the return to the office is ...
着装规范的种类非常多,下面七种基本涵盖了我们日常能够接触到的种类,从休闲到正式的顺序是:休闲(Casual),时尚休闲(Smart Casual),商务休闲(Business Casual),商务正式(Business Formal),鸡尾酒会(Cocktail Attire),黑领结(Black Tie),以及白领结(White Tie)。 休...
A staple of men’s business casual attire for decades, a button-down shirt such as the iconic Oxford Cloth Button Down (or OCBD) is a business casual success, every time. Pick something with long sleeves and barrel cuffs to be on the safe side, as short sleeve versions of these shirts...
business casual翻译 business casual翻译基本解释 ●business casual:商务休闲
Now that’s how you tie your business casual look together effortlessly. Summer Business Casual Attire For Men When temperatures are at an all-time high, it can only mean one thing: It’s summertime. So, what does this mean for summer men’s business casual attire? As you await the ...
Business Casual Attire Basics Emily Roberts / The Balance What to Wear for Women Appropriate business casual outfits for women include a skirt or dress slacks, blouse, sweater, twinset, jacket (optional), and hosiery (optional) with closed-toe shoes. Sandals or peep-toe shoes may be permissible...
: a style of dressing for white-collar employees that is less formal than traditional business attire I sat at my desk the other afternoon, dressed in business casual, and wistfully fingered my most recent pay stub. … And I thought as I've thought before: perhaps it's no coincidence th...
什么是business casual attire?到底是business,还是casual?我一查,还真也模糊了网络。各种讨论不少。大体意思非正式的商务装。 这里有个度的问题。找个图直接看其意吧,实在说不清了。 what is business casual attire? https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-business-casual-attire-2061168 ...