Let’s learn what is business area and why we need to implement in SAP: What is Business Area in SAP A business areais a separate area of operations or responsibilities of organizational units of financial accounting that is used for internal and external reporting. Differentdivisionsof eac...
In fully featured systems (including Accounting and Logistics) the business area is usually derived automatically. Using automatic business area determination, the business area is linked to other organizational units – for example: Plant Division Distribution channel Cost center The definition of ...
如何在SAP FI中创建新的业务领域? 展开企业结构 → 定义 → 财务会计 → 定义业务范围 → 执行 → 转到新条目。 输入4 位数的业务区号并保存配置。 Define Functional Area-定义功能范围 财务会计中的职能范围用于根据各个职能单位定义公司的费用。最常见的功能区域是 - 制造业 销售和分销 生产 行政 如何在 SAP ...
SAP概念之Business Area(业务范围) Business Area(业务范围)是根据单位的业务部门(Business Segment)或业务区(Business Area)域来划分确定的外部会计(External Accounting)的组织单元。 设置启用业务范围后,所有进入财务模块的记录都必须从业务范围的维度制定具体的业务范围,因此,可以基于业务范围出具满足内部目的(Internal P...
SAP Business Area 业务范围 一、什么是Business Area业务范围 业务范围是用来定义业务部门或区域的一种财务会计组织单位。是一种可选的组织单位。和company code是一种多对多的关系。 Thebusiness areais an organizational unit within financial accounting. It corresponds to a defined business segment or area of...
SAP Business Area(业务范围)是根据单位的业务部门(Business Segment)或业务区(Business Area)域来划分确定的外部会计(External Accounting)的组织单元。 设置启用业务范围后,所有进入财务模块的记录都必须从业务范围的维度制定具体的业务范围,因此,可以基于业务范围出具满足内部目的(Internal Purposes)的财务报表(Financial ...
toText:BusinessAreaText[] Implementation ofBusinessAreaType.toText Defined in packages/vdm-op/business-area-service/BusinessArea.ts:29 One-to-many navigation property to theBusinessAreaTextentity. Static_defaultServicePath _defaultServicePath:string= '/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BUSIN...
To define business areas, choose the following in Customizing for the Enterprise Structure: Definition Financial Accounting Define Business Area. If you have defined business areas, the transaction figures for the G/L accounts are managed separately for internal evaluation purposes. You can therefore ...
SAP FICO - Business Area/ Consolidation Business Area(合并业务范围),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
1. How can we do the Configurations to the Business Areas in SAP Answer : Configuration steps : SPRO -Enterprise Structure -Definition-Financial Accounting-Define Business Area -Excute in the above path you can configure the Business area depending on your Client Organiational Stru. 2. how...