business transactions and user generated data (i.e., blogs, user forums, and social media), leading to an increase in demand for data analytics professionals. Graduates from the Master of Science in Business Analytics will be prepared to leverage statistical analysis, data mining, natural language...
谈到美国商科申请,过去大多数人们多关注于金融、会计、市场营销等传统项目申请,现在小僧们又多了一项选择:商业分析BA(Business Analytics)。 BA属于传统商科,一般设在MBA下面,是集商科,应用统计,及初级编程为一体的实用性学科。主要是利用编程软件处理商业中所遇到的大量数据,再运用统计知识解析这些数据背后的business ins...
Key fact about the program: Carnegie Mellon offers an MBA track in business analytics in which students must take courses in modern data management and data mining. Students also must submit a capstone project. Learn more about the Tepper School of Business. Next:1. Massachus...
3. SantaClara University “湾区神校“之一,而且是湾区的非常premium,像MBA以及MSF等项目,学费比周围高一倍,Classsize比周围小一圈,有“硅谷高层去SCU,中层去SJSU”的说法。BusinessAnalytics这个项目课程来说和南加州一个路数,必修课难度并不是很大(虽然Python和R也在必须课里),选修课里可以随意拔高课程难度,补充...
of Business Analytics 专业,更偏重于business 方向,隶属于商学院的项目,data analytics 方面稍微弱化...
从纽约大学13年开始开设business analytics的硕士专业以来,全球各大高校纷纷增设相关专业,并且学费直逼MBA...
Peter Fader, a professor of marketing at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania who’s taught the topic for more than three decades, agrees that anyone could benefit from an MBA in business analytics. “You’ve been in an organization, two, or three, and realized all the dysf...
DSO 510 Business Analytics: 必修。教授是五百强高管,CS phd出身,这门课就是case study了解各种公司的analytics应用(每周都有一定量的reading要求),同时包含各种软件工具的介绍及入门(Tableau, SAS Studio, ...)。也有三个group project的要求,可以说是非常典型的Business School的一门课(容易让人觉得无聊)。
Main Subject Business Analytics Degree MBA Study Level MBA Study Mode On Campus The objective of this programme is to create a breed of Techno managers with an analytical approach towards business problems and decision-making. First year of the programme comprises of general management subjects...
Business Analytics Project商业分析项目 l 学校简介 杜伦大学(Durham University),又称达勒姆大学,世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,在英国国内各类大学排行榜中长期处于前6名,在QS世界大学排行榜近5年均位列60至70名,在英国乃至世界一直享有极高美誉的世界著名公立研究型大学。杜伦大学位于英国东北部小城杜伦,与剑桥大学、牛津...