4. 帝国理工 帝国理工学院作为世界顶尖的公立研究型大学也同样开设BA的课程,9月10号开始,为期四个月,每周4-6小时的上课时间,学费在$2,200。 开设的课程分为5个module,分别为数学和统计,python课程,Descriptive Analytics,和两节Predictive Analytics全方面贯穿了BA要学习到的课程。 在学期结束后也会收到一份结课证书!
项目:一年项目,36学分,是由Scheller College of Business, the College of Computing, and the College of Engineering合办的项目,项目有三个分支:analytical tools, business analytics, computational data analytics。项目要求具备良好的数学基础(至少一门微积分,一门统计学或者概率论),计算机技能(至少一门computer pro...
Stevens Institute of Technology- Business Intelligence & Analytics 斯蒂文斯理工学院 Bentley University- Business Analytics 本特利大学 University of California, San Diego-Business Analytics 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 Tier 3 Fordham University- Business Analytics 福特汉姆大学 University of Connecticut- Business Analytics ...
allston, ma write a review full-time mba add to list more from this school colleges law medicine engineering education harvard university business school overview the business school at harvard university offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, business analytics, consulting, e-commerce,...
Business Analytics and Information Management Economics Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship International Business Management and Operations Marketing People, Organisations and Consulting Location: Leeds, north of England 8. University of Warwick
“The value is not Data. It's not the Big. It's the Analytics” Prof. Gary King, Director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science , Harvard University. 2. Human Limitations: ✓ Businesses are dynamic complex systems ✓ Multiple often conflicting business objectives ...
Peter Fader, a professor of marketing at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania who’s taught the topic for more than three decades, agrees that anyone could benefit from an MBA in business analytics. “You’ve been in an organization, two, or three, and realized all the dysf...
Harvard:Competing on Business Analytics and Big Data Competing on business analytics to build customer...