注册WhatsApp 帐户后,选择现有“Meta Business 帐户”。 然后选择“继续”按钮。 如果要创建“新的 Meta Business 帐户”,请按照此处的说明操作。 接下来,系统会要求你创建 WhatsApp Business 帐户或选择现有帐户。 然后,需要创建新的 WhatsApp Business 个人资料或选择现有个人资料。
默认情况下,任何使用 WhatsApp Business 平台或 WhatsApp Business 应用的帐户都是业务帐户。 向客户发送消息不需要业务验证。 准备好缩放营销、实用工具和身份验证对话后,就可以完成业务验证。 帐户完成业务验证后,即使用户未将业务添加到其通讯簿,该业务的名称也可见。
How Can I Get the API Key to Setup My WhatsApp Business Account? How Do I Setup the Display Name for My WhatsApp Business Account? How Can I “approve on Behalf” on My Facebook Business Manager? Why Do I Need a Webhook and How Does It Work? Can I Start Sending Messages Before My...
A: Facebook Business Manager ID (FB BMID)是Facebook企业账户的标识。在CM.com上开通WhatsApp Business API,需要提供此ID号。登录FB Business Manager-Business Setting-Business Info.可查询到。Q9: 如何创建新的Facebook企业账号?A: 登录Facebook Business Manager,选择创建账户(create account)即可。如果企业...
企业在Facebook Business account-security center中自行发起验证,填写所需信息,Facebook团队认证成功后,企业会收到通知,同时WhatsApp Business的账号状态就会显示为已认证。 Q8: 什么是Facebook Business Manager ID? A:Facebook Business Manager ID (FB BMID)是Facebook企业账户的标识。在CM.com上开通WhatsApp ...
企业在Facebook Business account-security center中自行发起验证,填写所需信息,Facebook团队认证成功后,企业会收到通知,同时WhatsApp Business的账号状态就会显示为已认证。 Q8: 什么是Facebook Business Manager ID? A:Facebook Business Manager ID (FB BMID)是Facebook企业账户的标识。在http://CM.com上开通Whats...
In fact, only2%of customers in the US choose WhatsApp as their primary customer service channel. It may come as a surprise, but most users still prefer phone calls or live chat support over WhatsApp. That’s why switching to a WhatsApp Business account may not be enough. ...
Once in WhatsApp Business, input the virtual number in the phone number verification screen. In the next screen, wait for the "Call me" option to become available, and click on it. Wait for the verification code to arrive, and use it to create the account. ...
策略一、在企业官网主页创建opt-in入口 无论什么行业,企业的官网都是最佳的展示企业形象的地方,大多用户都会通过官网查看企业相关信息,在官网首页邀请用户opt-in企业的WhatsApp,是最好的选择。 可以用弹窗,或者固定在页面底部的banner,或者一个CTA按钮邀请用户opt-in ...
Once in WhatsApp Business, input the virtual number in the phone number verification screen. In the next screen, wait for the "Call me" option to become available, and click on it. Wait for the verification code to arrive, and use it to create the account. ...