Amusingly, scholars of ancient and medieval Japan often dismiss bushido and call it a modern innovation from theMeijiandShowaeras. Meanwhile, scholars who study Meiji and Showa Japan direct readers to study ancient and medieval history to learn more about the origins of bushido. Both camps in thi...
Modern Bushido After the samurai ruling class was abolished in the wake of the Meiji Restoration, Japan created a modern conscript army. One might think that bushido would fade away along with the samurai who had invented it. In fact, Japanese nationalists and war leaders continued to appeal...
It is well succeeded in the modern society. Its value lies in the perfect movement and silence. Bushido is a set of precepts followed by warriors to win their victory. There are some examples which can be applied to the present society. In the absence of warriors, however, people today ...
Shin Chae-ho's discourse of Hwarang has its background on militaristic spirit of Korea Empire as well as Bushido of Japan and Liang qi chao's discourse of bushido emerged in China after 1890s. In the case of Japan, on the basis of the victories over China and Russia, it had the splen...
(often l.c.) the code of the samurai in feudal Japan, stressing loyalty and obedience and valuing honor above life. [1895–1900; < Japanesebushidō=bushiwarrior +dōway] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random Ho...
In feudal Japan, the Bushido Code defined the way of the samurai. It was a blueprint to conduct warfare with honor: a system built upon the qualities of rectitude and courage, honor and loyalty. In the modern world, these historical tenets may seem antiquated, or sometimes even obsolete. ...
推荐 简介· ··· In feudal Japan, the Bushido Code defined the way of the samurai. It was a blueprint to conduct warfare with honor: a system built upon the qualities of rectitude and courage, honor and loyalty. In the modern world, these historical tenets may seem antiquated, or somet...
recognition of war as the only activity worthy of a samurai, obligatory suicide (hara-kiri) in situations where the samurai’s “honor” was compromised, and contempt for the working classes. In imperialist Japan, bushido became a banner of chauvinism and was an integral part of Japanese racism...
bushido 是什么意思 中文翻译与英英解释 n.〔日语〕武士道。 例句与用法 1. Japanese traditional political culture - shinto , mikado and bushido天皇制与武士道 2. The analysis of bushido in modern ages in japan解析近代日本武士道文化的嬗变 3. Japanese bushido games - 4455 miniclip games日本武士道小游戏...
the Anti Japanese War of the people's Chinese (this article appeared in the magazine "Japanese Studies" in 2006 second), "as the year of the launch of the fascist aggression, Japan is the responsibility of profound reflection on the history and apologized to the bitterness of the countr.....