Now, after several hard years of use, I’m ready to spill the beans on something I bring with me on all trips. (Note: I don’t get [...] Read More Maine Guide Traditional Canoe Expedition Leadership 4-Week Training Course Tim Smith Feb 20, 2024 Blog 1 comment We are (slightly)...
The end of the month found me in East Sussex at the annualSea Cadet Chosin Cupcompetition. It was a fantastic Adventure Training weekend where cadets compete for the covetted Chosin Cup. During our Endurance race I snapped this picture of fellow instructor Niamh Kelly as she raced through one...
If you aren’t proficient with your handgun via competent training and actual live-fire practice then please get some training and become efficient and effective with your handgun before carrying it while backpacking or at any other time. Please read our article on where to find concealed carry ...
Having been in these situations with other people, I have quickly learned that “the will to live” does not replace discipline and training. Sports, such as baseball, football, soccer, are all examples of sports that are not won on the sportsfield. They are won through training, practice,...
WTF? Why would a bushcraft knife known for its woodworking blade and multi-grip handle be front and center at a SEAL training facility. Well, it turns out that the Benchmade Bushcrafter, in addition to an excellent bushworthy/survival blade, is also an excellent EOD knife. That’s EOD as...
Day 10 of the 30 day Challenge found me in the military training area around Aldershot. I will write an in depth report on the weekend later but as this was where I was interacting with nature last Friday so I thought I would write up a little on what I got up to. I had taken th...
Of course if have a big enough van, you can live down by the river Or in a dinning tent Disclaimer; My info for me only, you want to do anything mentioned here, you are on your own, I am not responsible for your death or injury due to lack of proper knowledge or training!
To make sure YOU have the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows you HOW.Nothing crazy here… this isn’t doomsday prepping... just the basics every responsible adult should have before a disaster strikes. ...
To assist in situations where bug out crew members are injured, we recommend adding CPR and first aid training as a measure of preparedness. Additionally, always keep a first aid manual with your bug out gear as this will help when trying to administer treatment under stress. Emotional Health...
Team Training 2017 Between times, the team had the opportunity to come together and enjoy the warmth of the Woodlore camp fire, sharing food and stories of what has happened since the last season together. On the final day, Ray once again led the team and demonstrated a rich diversity of...